I have some really fine images of a C-133 flight deck that is located in the musuem at Dover AFB in dover de. If you would like a set send me an e-mail and I’ll send them to you right away. I don’t know how to publish them here so if you have a clue let me know. THanks Bill
I would appreciate a set. I enjoy looking at good pics, I have taken some of my own at Norfolk of the navy ships, during a cruise I went on there. I also was on the USS Wisconsin.
You’ll need some place to host your images from. Once you do - take the url (location or address of the image) and place it inbetween the [img ] [/img ] tags. I placed an extra space before the ] right bracket in order to show you what I’m referring to.
If you reply to a topic (instead of using the quick reply), there’s a button you can click on which will write the img tags for you.
There’s also information in the FAQ and if you click on the “Forum Code” link which is directly to the left of the message box (where you type in your message).
Hope that helps. [:)]
For those interested in more information about the C-133, check out my website, The C-133 Project. The URL is
http://www.angelfire.com/wa2/c133bcargomaster/home.html .
Cal Taylor
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