Ok well here it is so far, not complete, and not all i have done is in the pic, i need to make sure i did not totally ruin this model…PLEASE let me know if i messed something up!
Oh and i know the turret muffler is off , i am working on a way to get it on without it hitting;)
Looks like a fairly clean start so far Horus. Two areas that kind of stand out in the pictures that might need attention are the rear of the turret and also the left fender. On the turret it looks like a bad seam right at the back and the fender appears to still have soom leftover sprue on it. This could of course be just the pictures but you’ll be able to tell.
Take a close look at your ref material, I think there’s supposed to be a gap between the plates in front of the driver’s station with a vision block in the gap. Otherwise, it’s coming along very nicely.
I saw that after i put them on the thing is the right piece takes up the remaining section, so it toatally covers it…dunno what i am gonna do with it…plus i already glued it so i may have to crack out the Dremel and have at it.
I like ol’ Sherm too. Always good advice. I’ve got the Academy kit of the ‘Honey’ and I’ll need some advice when I get to it. Ol’ Sherm will be on the list for sure…
I’d also try to minimize that gap you see between the front plate of the hull and the one with the access hatches. No need to fill it with putty. A strip of plastic and some glue, just enough to leave a slightly less shallower depression should do the trick!
dj thanks, yeah moses warned me of some fitment problems but keep in mind that the model has not been glued together yet. If it is still a issue after that i will definatly heed your advice!
Thanks again guys i am gonna post a new pic in a few mins:)
Hey Horus…nothing really to add to what has been told…but I think the build is coming along nicely. The Panzer IV D is a very old kit, and it can be tedious at times to fill and adjust parts especially when you have newer Tamiya kits out there that have no problems fitting together.
Have you considered using aftermarket tracks? I ask this because the vinyl tracks supplied with the kit are porrly molded. Look into ModelKasten Workables if you have the chance.
Thanks guys:) I am actually kinda pleased with this model, even for a old one it’s been quite fun.
I ma also doing a Africa Corps version, but mine will be a early arrival, meaning still grey with a ton of dust and dirt on it.
I cannot find the tracks you speaking of due to the fact that there are like 15 versions for the PzKpfw IV that i have found …if you have a link please let me know:)