(Pics) Diorama "CAEN 1944" & "The Last Battle"

Both built by “Joh”

Sample pics :

For more pics, please visit my latest page :


Have fun!

Nice work

Thanks for your kind words!

Just out of curiosity, for a diorama of this small size, how much does it cost you on average?

Since these two dios are small ones, their price tags could not be big. I can tell you in comparative terms that each costs around 4-5 times minimum daily wage of Thailand. To give another comparison, “Art Instructor” worked as a schoolvan driver for many years. He had to start working at 5 AM and worked twice a day - in the morning and afternoon. His salary was very low - around $130 /month. He built the Trumpeter Leopold - the 1,140 parts kit for me. It might take him 7-10 days to complete but he got the same amount of pay. Modelling surely pays better. Starting this month he quits his job as the driver, he’ll make models full time from now on, for me alone.

good job on the limeys…are those brits verlinden?

Thanks! but what’s the meaning of “limeys”? Those brits are not Verlinden, they are either Dragon’s # 6023 Red Devils Arnhem 1944 or # 6055 British Commomwealth Troops or the mix of both.

Model maniac,

It seems like you have been collecting these fine work for many years. You must have very intense collection.