I need help
i want to build a Phantom 1/48 scale. Im not sure wich one to get. Please help links and reviews would be helpful.
As much info as possible
ps: Dose tamiya have a 1/48 or 1/72 scale phantom. im sure there was one in the hobby shop[:(]
I’ve built up a number of Hasegawa 1/48th F-4s, but I don’t know if it is still in production. It built up very nicely, hardly any need to fill gaps, and the detail was right on. I do not know if Tamiya does a F-4 or not. Sorry, but unable to provide any more detail.
Dick McC
Tamiya does some 1/32 F-4’s. I have the F-4C but have not built it yet so I cannot comment other than to say it looks good in the box! My all time favorite kit was/is the 1/48 Hasegawa F-4 family. I echo what Dick McC said above. I built a bunch of 'em too. They fall right together with very little need for fillers and the only aftermarket parts I used was some True Details ejection seats, but the ones that come with the kit are just fine. I do believe all variants (B,C/D, E, F, G, J, N, S) are still in production by Hasegawa. I recommend these kits VERY highly!
hii,ve just built hasagawa’s 1/48 RAF phantom FGR2.(KIT NO;p16:2800)it is a very good kit,4 colour/squadron options,whith metal gear,rubber tyres.
got it from “hannants”(.co.uk)cost £21.99.
they also have all the after market stuff.all i added was some better ejection seats.i didnt arm it,apart from the SUU gun pod(RAF jets are rarely armed with live stores,mostly ballast or drill rounds,painted “eau-de-nil” blue )
"hannants"also have at least 10 other 1/48 F4’s in there catalog(2002,not yet got the 2003)
i’d reccomend the one i’ve built as its a good kit for modellers of all levels,
hope this helps,
If you are going to build a Phantom in 1/48, Hasagawa is the only way to go. Having worked on and around the F-4 in the USAF for twenty years, I know the aircraft very well. The Hasagawa kits have fewer errors in them. Their older Navy releases had the cockpits all wrong but their later releases are more accurate. Monogram makes a fair C/D model but has many errors. For 1/32 scale the Tamiya C/D and J kit is almost perfect. The problem is I can spot a problem as soon as I look at a Phantom kit.
Berny13, a little off topic here, but having spent many years in the Air Force myself, I’ve had many ‘wrench turners’ point out countless errors in my models!
I was once asked that with my big interest in airplanes, why wasn’t I an aircraft maintainer. I answered that if I was extremely familiar with a particular aircraft I would probably never be satisfied with any model of it.
You are correct. But some problem areas could have been eliminated if the manufacturer had done a little research. On another account, it does make the modeling hobby fun, spending time correcting, scratch building and modifying the kit to make it more accurate. Only the 1/32 Tamaya kits have a good looking cockpit, with very little to change when building the kit.
Tamiya has never released a 1/48 scale F4 Phantom. Ditto to the other responders on the Hasegawa kits, they are the best choice in 1/48. As for links, try www.scalemodelindex.com . This site has links to literally thousands of useful sites to the model builder. Also try www.hyperscale.com for kit reviews. I don’t recall whether they have any F4 reviews currently posted (the available F4 kits are pretty old releases ) but it’s worth a look.
sorry,my pc crashed,anyway,if you go to "martin-baker.com"you will be able to find pictures of cockpits & which type of seat is fitted to which plane,also pictures of the seats,strap arrangment & colours.
“rafarmourers.co.uk”,follow the links & you will be able to access various airforces websites for armourers.this will show you correct weapon colours & warshot loads for various types of aircraft role.
A question for those of you who acquired the 1980’s vintage Hasegawa F-4s in 1/48 scale: How much did these kits cost back then? I’ve been trawling through eBay for F-4s, and noted that these kits are selling for around $22-30.
I can’t even remember what I had for breakfast this morning, but I think they ran around $25.00 to $30.00. That was around the '83-'84 time frame when I bought most of mine. The price is to the best of my knowledge, but isn’t rock solid.
Berny13 - wow, Hasegawa Phantoms are pricey! I just lost a bid on an F4J. I thought $24.50 was a lot, but someone else splurged $36.00 on the kit. Thanks for the info!
i paid £21.99 over here in the u.k.
$24.50 is about £14.00 ish(give or take) so $36.00 is about what i paid.that is about normal for a good quality kit over here.think yourselves lucky you can get tem so cheap,anyway,the question here is not cost,but this lad askes for some help & ideas,i gave the price that i paid along with ordering info as a guide for rex(& others )