Has anyone built this kit or know where I can find any reviews on it? I am desperate to add an F2G to my collection as it is the only variant I don’t have, and after seeing and hearing the F2G at Oshkosh ripping up the field makes we want one even more. I just want to find out if this kit is a least half way decent for the $60.00 dollars it will cost. Of course I’m sure after I order one, i will find out someone will be releasing an injection molded kit for a quarter of the price.
Like most resin models you’ll have to deal with the fit problems and other “features” of resin models. If you’ve mostly worked with plastic injection kits you’ll have a little more work to do. Not as challening as vacuforms though (thank goodness).
I have their 1/48 MARTIN PBM 3D MARINER. I was able to get it on eBay at less than the list price of $199! I couldn’t resist not having this as a part of my collection and will build it someday.
The fuselage and associated bits are OK, but the wings are atrocious. They are solid resin, with incorrect dihedral (outer panels too flat), the oil cooler inlets at the roots are incorrect as they are shaped for the F4U whereas the F2G used smaller, more oval shaped inlets as there was no intercooler to supply air to and the oil coolers themselves were relocated into the fuselage from the wings. Thus, the corresponding bulge on the bottom of the F4U wing was removed on the F2G.
The kit isn’t perfect, but the fuselage could be used with suitably modified wings from a Hobbycraft, Arii or Tamiya F4U to get there.
That said, there was a vacu-form F2G conversion that was made by War Eagle several years ago, that included the correct parts for the wingroot intakes. As vacuforms go, it is pretty straightforward to build and the True Details F4U-4 cockpit fits well and is essentially correct for an F2G. You’ll need a new engine for the WE as they’ve included the front of an R-2800 instead of an R-4360. Very noticable.
If you are interested, I’ve got both the PO F2G, or a War Eagle F2G (that includes required F4U parts to make a whole bird) available. $20 for the PO kit, $15 for the WE plus postage in the US. Let me know if you’re interested at hegedus@gmpexpress.net.
Joe Hegedus
E-mail sent! Thanks Joe. And thank you to Quagmyre for your input as well.
I have the kit . E mail me for info at harleridr@aol
Thank you to Joe, I am now the proud owner of two F2G kits. One I am going to build in USN markings. The second as Bob Odegaards #57. Does anyone know if there are any decals available for this aircraft in 1/48 scale? One more question. the resin wing has the wrong dehydral. Is it possible to heat the part in hot water and bend it to the correct angle?
Lone Star Models makes a resin conversion set for the F2G. I don’t know much about it except from the pictures it replaces everything forward of the cockpit and out to the wing bend, the fuselage upper decking, and the vertical stabilizer/rudder.
Take a look:
Not likely that would work. It would be impossible to change the angle where the dihedral changes. The only way you can do it is to seperate the outer wing sections with a razor saw, sand the cut edge to the correct angle, and glue it back together. This is assuming the angle where the wing meets the fuselage is correct. If not, you would have to repeat this for that joint as well.
Well, phase one is complete. It’s amazing how fast a kit goes together using CA. This is the PO kit built straight out of the box. I was able to warp the wings into a little better angle than they were. It went together very nicely. Pardon the poor quality picture from my $25 camera. it is finished in overall gloss dark sea blue with markings from the WE kit and the scrap box
Now I am just waiting for an Otaki F4U-1 I won on e-bay and am still looking for decals and the WE kit will end up looking something like this:
Okay, why when I post pictures do they show up in the “preview” but not here? I’m doing it the same way I do on other sites and used to do it here. Why won’t it work?
From a earlier post in the forum
Use the control characters [img]url[/img] on either side of the url of your picture. Delete the asterisk, which is here to keep the software from interpreting the control characters
bjohns5, I have copied and pasted from the photobucket “image” line and the web page shows what you see there. It works on the preview. I have also copied and pasted the “url” line and put it in the brackets like you demonstrated and it is still not working. I have tried every combination from photobucket both straight cut and pastes, to manually adding the [IMG] brackets. I know this shouldn’t be this complicated. Ever since this new board went on-line I haven’t been able to post images and i could before. Oh well
Yeah, the easy way to post images is yet another victim of the “improved” forum. But so far one that FineScale is unable or unwilling to fix.
The slash on the end img was missing
It’s always the little things that come back to bite you. [:)]
I give up! I tried everything from directly pasting the link from photobucket with the [ img ] tags already in place, plus everything listed here and in other parts of the forum. Everything looks perfect in the preview but then doesn’t go through on the actual post. I’ve tried probably 20 times to get the pictures to show and it just doesn’t work. Is there some bug in this forum or am I just incompetent?
It took me a try or two on another post, but the Photobucket [IMG] tagging worked for me. Of course, ymmv.
Don’t computers make life easier? Yeah, baby, yeah… LOL