Panzerkampfwagen 161\Z

Hi All !

I am just about to start building Tamyia’s Panzerkampfwaen 161/Z (T35181).

And I was just wondering, did anyone have any handy tips about this model.



a belated Welcome to the forums

Welcome to the Armor Forum,
I’m assuming that, from the Tamiya stock # you listed, you mean their Panzer IV J kit. That is a very nice and up to date kit. Quite accurate and not too difficult to build up. Take some care in attaching the skirt armor around the turret and you’ll do all right. Most people recognize tanks by Panzer III J, Panzer IV H, Panther D, Tiger II, and so forth, so you’ll get a lot more response that way than by listing the Sdkfz. number (except for softskins and halftracks which people normally refer to by the Sdkfz. # as in Sdkfz 251/22 Ausf. D and so forth… It does get a bit confusing at times). Again welcome and good luck Chuck