There I was swearing that the vinegar,liquid soap,pastel dust And water was the greatest thing for panel lining on the face of the earth when In applying it to the underside of a Japanese Night Fighter it left STAINS that I can’t get off. The same combination did not stain under my P47(neutral gray) but it did on IJA gray(much lighter). Maybe the much lighter color is my problem. Both aircraft had at least 3 coats of Acryl gloss b4 the application.
Same P47, same color same result as i got using Pastel dust. So what is the combination of Water,Black paint and liquid soap to use? I want to try it.
I think nothing works better than oil paint thinned with mineral spirits. Put on a coat or two of future first. Once applied remove excess with a cotton swab soaked in spirits. It is much the same method used on the M1 Abrams on the cover of this months FSM, except I protect my finish with 2 coats of future. It is also a great way to add oil stains and grime. Be sure to remove excess very lightly, as not to wear through the future.
Of course, I have never tried the dish soap/acrylic paint wash. I just haven’t had much luck with acrylic washes.
I used 1-3-5, I started out with less soap, but it just comes off easier and cleaner with more soap in it, and, if you get a scented soap, (i have green apple scented dawn) it just smells really nice to paint it on. There is an article here on this site that has specific instructions, I think it’s called “quick and easy weathering” but I’m not positive about that.