Can you ladies and gents give me any info on how to paint photoetch parts. Is there a basecoat I should use, I tried to paint flat black and it didn’t come out too good. Unfortunately I got lazy and used a brush instead of airbrushing as I usually do. But wanted to ask before I start painting the parts. This will be the first time I use photoetch parts on my model.
Before priming, usually with Mr Surfacer 1000 or 1200, I dip the fret for a couple of minutes in vinegar. It helps clean the surface, and the mild acid lightly etches the surface of the brass so it will hold paint. I then rinse the fret in clean water and let it dry, then tape the fret to a flat surface and airbrush the primer.
A buddy tried blasting a fret with my glass-bead sandblaster, and it curled the fret. He blasted the back side and it curled back. He only did that once. I learned from him and have not done it at all.
After the Mr Surfacer dries, I mask coarsly with low-tack Scotch Removable Magic Tape and airbrush parts the appropriate colors.
What you need is a surface that your paint can adhere to. I painted an aluminum gun barrel with acrylics and it chipped or scratched VERY easily. What you need is a metal etching primer. That way it will bond to the metal better thus your color coat will be much more durable. Greg.
Bruce, thanks for the info, I thought about the cleaning portion but didn’t think of vinegar. Guess that would clean the part real good. Now comes the part on a primer, I haven’t used Mr Surfacer yet and I’ll try the local hobby shop to see if they have it. I don’t have a hobby shop around here too close, have to dirve into the Houston area (I 'm glad I found one, they carry everything imaginable and the guys there are very helpful). Thanks again for the info and I’m sure it will work once I get into it.
Greg, thanks for the info, I’ll check and see what I can come up with, Bruce told me about Mr Surfacer and cleaning with vinegar, I’ll use all the info both of you have sent. Thanks again, and by the way, I’ll get started on my M1A1 in the near future, any suggestions since you were the man on one? I want to paint it in desert colors. Do you every use acrylics on models, I did once and it turned out ok but I am so used to enamels that it’s hard to change. Thanks again.
Are you talking about Hobby Island off Richmond? They have Mr. Surfacer in 1000 and 1200. I get the ones in the rattle can. No cleanup afterwards
That is a roger, glad I found that place, it is the best around here that is for sure. I’ll give them a call and see if they have it. The folks in that place are really nice and very helpful. They have a great display of models and have a great stock of everything you might need. Giving them a plug here if anyone lives in this area of Texas. Thanks again.