I’m going to build several of the re-released Apollo models. I have the photo etch/resin detail sets. The interior instrument panels have lots of details. The panels will get a gray/blue coat overall. Are there any tricks to painting the tiny details within the panel?
I’m thinking something like a wash that could be wiped off the panel surface leaving it in the recessed details. I’m not sure that a wash will give the contrast I desire. Anyone have any advice for this? Thanks
I thinned gloss black paint quite a bit, but not quite a wash. I shook the bottle, took off the cap, leaving a thin layer of black paint. I dipped a toothpick inside the cap, straight up, leaving just a little paint on the tip. I then touched it inside the dial. A couple of more drops and the paint flowed out to the rim. I used gloss black to simulate glass covered dials. I use flat paint for the panels. The glossy dials look just like glass instruments on a flat painted panel.
Which photo etch and resin sets are you using? I’ve been trying to track down some detail sets for some of the Apollo stuff, and all I can find is photo etch for the old Airfix Saturn V. Been on the hunt for nicer engine nozzles and stuff like that.