painting "canopy linings" on the Apache

I’ve noticed in reference photos that Apache helo’s have a type of white lining around the canopy windows… I’m guessing it’s a type of sealent? Anyhow, how do I replicate this on a model?


Its actually a light grey caulking. With my Apaches, I simply hand painted the edge of the windows. Takes a very steady hand, but the irregularity of the brush stroke closely matches the irregularity of the caulk. That’s not to say I globbed paint on though. I used a 3/0 brush and a VERY little amount of paint. I’ve got tons of photos of Apaches in Afghanistan and that’s about the closest approximation I can do to match the photos. Point is, they’re not the neat lines you’d find on an airplane. they’re kinda rough.

If you go to my website, and go to the photo album, the first photo should give you a good idea of what I’m talking about. That’s “Devils Dance” from 1/229 AVN and will be profiled in my next book for Osprey.


please dont do that they are not needed (by the way it is an adhesive for our canopy jettison system) not a caulking or sealant they come in different color white to green so sometimes you will not notice it. i will send you some picture here in about 3 hours to show you what it looks like cool.

CW3 Bob Roebuck

please send me your email and i will show you the mix of adhesive.

cw3 bob roebuck
“checkmate 08”

email me please to send pics

CW3 Robert R. Roebuck

well i guess you dont need the pics, but they do come in shade other than white. like green. but you will not find out, unless you are interested.

CW3 bob roebuck

Mr. Roebuck,

I emailed you the other day regarding the email you’d sent me. I’m on vacation and don’t get to check my email (or this website) as often as I’d like. When I return to Texas on Tuesday, I’ll be back online constantly. For the time being I’m in New York and enjoying being home with friends and family.

i wish i was with my family and friends!!
stay cool cobra
bob roebuck

by the way we have an old g model cobra on static display here at 6th cav brigade if you want a pic.

Mr. Roebuck,

Very cool! I’d love to see it. In fact, if you get me the tail number, I can tell you its combat history if it has one.

I’m done travelling around the northeast for the week. At my parents house now and will be headed back to TX on Tuesday. I’ll be checking my email and this post regularly now.
