I am building a Hasegawa F6F. As there paint guide, the use for example H-12. I was wondering what kind of paints does Hasegawa reference so that I might be able to use the closest Tamiya or Testor’s Model Masters paint? I know on the instructions they give the name of the color but some colors youo are suppose to mix and with a sight color blindness problem I kind of rely on the painting instructions for the correct color and mixing.

Thanks to anyone who can help.


Hasegawa usually gives Gunze Sangyo color numbers, sometimes both the Mr. Color enamel range, almost unobtainable in the US, but usually the Aqueous Color acrylic range is also referenced. Most hobby stores do not stock Gunze paints, but the mail order houses, like Squadron, do. Hasegawa usually references color names, or a bit of research will reveal the color names or FS numbers, and Testors, Polly Scale, and some other paints are matched to either FS numbers or to country of origin and color name.

Try the colorcharts, I think you will find what you are looking for

P-O Broddeson, IPMS Stockholm, Sweden