I’m looking for any recommendations on fairly accurate paint colors (interior and exterior) for building a Tamiya F4U-1D (kit # 61061)? I just plan on building it out of the box, and finishing it like the box art. I want to see how I do with airbrushing and painting in general. It’s been two decades since I’ve built a kit. I believe I still have a bottle of Model Master interior green that I believe is good, as well as various other colors in Model Master, Testors, and Tamiya. The one color I probably don’t have is the main blue. I’m hoping to be able to get the paint from one of my local shops that are offering curbside pickup. The problem is I don’t know what they carry since I can’t go inside. I’ll order online if I have to.
MIG U.S.NAVY WWII airset #7202
Thanks. My local shops don’t carry it, and it appears to be out of stock online in the US from various places. I came across a set from Vallejo I may order.
What paint lines does your local shop carry? The color is Gloss Sea Blue for the F4U-1D. Most companies make the color.
Testors made it and you could probably find some at Scalehobbyist.com.
As an aside, I painted my 1/540 airwing that color, except I used Blue Angel Blue because of scale. But that’s not what you are looking for.
My local shops carry Tamiya, Testors, Model Master, and Humbrol. The sets of paint for a particular type of vehicle, year range, and TO are something new to me. If seastallion53 hadn’t mentioned the MIG set, I may not have come across any sets for a while. The Vallejo set has a gloss sea blue in addition to the other colors I’ll need for another Tamiya 1/48 F4U-1A kit I also have. Plus, I’ll probably pick up one of the Tamiya 1/32 Corsairs, if not multiple. Yeah, the F4U is my favorite prop plane. Love the gull wing and double wasp
I LOVE vallejo paints, and the fact that they sell it in sets is awesome! I have picked up that WWII US Navy set, and the colors are good. Also, if you are just starting out with an airbrush, the acrylics are good because you can use water/glass cleaner to clean your brush…
That’s good to hear. Not that new to airbrushing, but it’s been a long time. I know this isn’t the right thread, but does the Vallejo paint require primer? I never needed it with Tamiya or Model Master if I sprayed it.
With acrylics I’d prime, especially if you are going to mask over it. Tamiya white or grey rattle can is good. I just give it a light scuff with a grey scotchbrite pad. You can get one at any auto parts/paint store.
Helps to avoid any peeling when unmasking
Vallejo takes a couple of days to harden up, so don’t rush it.
I find that the MM and Vallejo gloss dark sea blue is more of an"angry sea green" , with a slight blue tinge. Don’t know how accurate that would be as most color pics and film show a real blue color. But have to take into account film and print.
With Vallejo I’d stick with their thinner and flow improver. The model air line is supposed to be ready to spray, but some thin it a tick more. Depends on how your brush works with it. You can pop the spout on the bottle and stir to mix way better than shaking and rolling the bottle
Humbrol and Model Master both make a good version of Gloss Sea Blue. If you can get it, go with those. From seeing the stuff in museums in person locally, I’d rate their take as good enough. The real color does have a hint of green. It’s not a true blue like Insignia Blue or Blue Angels Blue. I’ve never tried the Vallejo color, so I can’t comment on theirs.
Thanks stik. To me the MM and Vallejo acrylics are very close to being identical on a stir stick.
I’m gonna have to incorporate more Vallejo into my paint locker. They are okay, but I am not a covert to them. Models Master is going away and the local shop here Humbrol, but it does carry Vallejo. I have yet to check out the shop across town to see what paint lines are carried there. When the lockdown here is lifted next week, I will have a look see at that place. One can never have too many options.
I just finished the same kit. Interior green for cockpit. Wheel wells are yellow zinc chromate. Gear is aluminum. I used MM gloss sea blue for exterior including inside gear doors
Thanks for the info guys. I ended up ordering the Vallejo paint set, multiple colors of their primer, plus some Tamiya spray primer, and a few other things online. My local shop put some MM aside for me that I’ll pick up after work.