Paint booths...

just wondering how many people here use painting booths while they airbrush. For myself, not only would it be the most expensive piece of equipment in my inventory, I would probably have to relocate to the garage to make enough room to set it up. For now I open up the windows & turn on the celling fans. I use acrylics 95% of the time, the other 5% has been the Alclad/Metallizer stuff. When I airbrush with those, I open doors too. Just curious. Thanks in advance for your responses & opinions.

I use an Artograph 1520.

The main reason I got it is because I can’t really have overspray in my apartment… wallpaper (so I can’t paint over mistakes) and carpet.

I built one… Cost was around 50 bucks… (the Fans) I had some scrap 3/8" thick Plexiglass laying around…

I work in my garage, use a cardboard box, 2 fans and a respirator. [:D]

im trying to find a way to build one so that it can easily move in and out of the window, so i don’t have to take everything outside.

I work indoors with A/C, one fan, and a cardboard box. No booth.

Enjoy your modeling…

I’m still gathering the materials to build a DYI paint booth as my upcoming project, but for now it’s an inkjet printer cardboard box lined with “static” plastic, which seems to reduce flying lint and dust by attracting these things to itself.


I use one. I like the idea of painting anything, anytime, any weather and the ability to seal the model in while it dries.

Just my [2c]

I recently built one out of scrap wood and a used fan. I set it up in my basement, but it can be detached and moved anywhere. I also used an additional fan connected to the same ducting to clear the air outside of the spray booth. You use thinner to clean your airbrush after spraying, right? I always use a respirator when spraying.
If anyone wants further info, don’t hesitate to ask.