P-51D Mustang

I was looking for some pics as reference for the Stang im building and saw on one site how these people was building an actuall P-51D…and was wandering…if anybody knew of a place that still would build or sell actually working mustangs…like for a retired pilot of something or for anybody with the money and the dream of owning and flying an old War Bird[?]

Cause i saw that the total cost of the Mustang was $54,000!! the H2 Hummer cost more than that[:0]

Hey shark,
WOW thats cheap $54,000…!!! The last Stang that I saw that was put back into flying condition was priced at a half a million give or take(man hours/parts/machining ect). That was just to restore the bird.
If anything check out your local supermarket or book store for warbird magazines. I’m sure somewhere in the back section of the rags, it will have advertisments for peolpe who are selling/buying such ships!!
Flaps up,Mike

Yah…$54,000 is cheap!..lol thatz why i was askin, but personally…i would rather it be $54,000…than $500,000…hehe,but then again this was back during the 40s …now everything is so expensive[:(] …but maybe if you bought a new bird like a company ordered and assembled the parts may be cheaper than a restoration project…it just depends i guess,but every site ive been to that included the cost all said $54,000 [?]

Hey shark,
There was a gentlmen by the name of Rick Korf from Wheatfield NY(down the road from me) that bought a P-51 about 10 years ago which at that time cost about #35,000.Then when he dumped $$ into the restoration part, it was another $50,000 or so.
He used his initials for the code letters!!! If I’m not mistaken he sold it to a gentlemen by the name of Chuck Hall of Ramom Ca a few years ago. Now I heard Rick has a few other Stangs under his wings!!
Flaps up, Mike

Wow…i looked Chuck Hall up and the site said that insurance is $16,000 a year!!..and engine overhaul or something like that is $800 an hour![:0][?] Serious $$$$ there

I’ve been in the warbird museum field for about 12 years now. At this point in time its pointless to even think of buying a WWII fighter for less than a cool million. The airplane itself may only be $500,000-$750,000 but what about all of those spares you need? Even the L-birds are going for ridiculous prices nowadays. $55,000 for an L-5! I’m hoping to find an R-4 in need of restoration. That’d be something to see at an airshow, a functional WWII Helicopter!