Hey guys, this is my P-51A, marked as a plane based at Wright Patterson Air Force Base during WWII. It was a testbed plane, one of the 1st P-51A’s to roll off. It’s not done yet, but I just had to get some pics on…
I still have to wash the panel lines, do the lights, add the exhaust pipes, antennas, etc. Thanks for viewing!
looks great so far
what scale and brand is it
Looking good RedMax. Nice work.
Regards, Rick
Lookin great, Is this the Academy kit?
Nice job RadMax,
I do have one question, was P-51A floor made our of wood? This is nothing against your work, cockpit look great. Post pic when you done.
Nice job so far, RadMax !
Are you using Three Guys Replicas decals? I used that sheet for my Apache, and have the “Slick Chick” markings left over. I’ll have to do that one someday.
Looking forward to the finish !
She has a nice look to her. What scale-kit is she?
Looking good so far keep us posted.
Well guys, I must be a fool. Or maybe I was just in a rush to get the pics up/get to my girlfriend’s house[;)] But anyway, this kit is the 1/48 scale Accurate Miniatures kit. Funny story about the decals. I had just announced my Ohio GB and was wondering what to do. The next day, an F-6B (Recce version of the P-51 A) that I had ordered came in the mail. As is customary for me, I ripped open the srink wrap and delved into the directions. I looked at the alternative markings, and lo and behold, there was the history of Slick Chick… So I used the decals from the F-6 for this little gem. I’ve only got 2 complaints about this kit. First is the radiator door. It took me a couple days to figure out how it went in. I still think it looks wrong. Second, The radiator scoop is a touch too small i think. Well, better add a 3rd… NO stencils on the decal sheet. But it was a fun kit. Thanks for the kind words.
No, the floor was actually the top surface of the wing. Only the later models, P51B onwards, had a plywood covering.
Nice looking build, thanks for posting. So do you recommend the Accurate Miniatures P-51 series kits?
I’m still plugging along on the AM Bush Avenger and I highly recommend this kit.
Yes, I highly recomend Accurate Miniatures kits. Not only the kits, but the company itself. It’s small enough that you can actually contact the owners, president, cheif designer, etc, and actually get a reply, at most a week later. Most of my issues with the kit were self inflicted. The directions were good, and the decals (what little there were) were amazing… snuggled right down with a couple applications of microsol. I’ve got 4 other AM kits in the stash (B-25C/D, P-51, F-6B, and their weapons set), and I cna’t wait to build them.
Great looking Mutang. The cockpit is superb.
Darwin, O.F. [alien]