
So My mom, dad, and I went to Wolly world today. Your saying oh great another ot. Well As usual I went to the toy section not for toys but models and as usual only old cheap Revells. So then we bought some movies and my dad asks if theres any cool models and I said yeqah. Theres a P-40B. (hes loves that plane so we get it) so unusual place to get a model yes. BUt Im going to do a review for u guys while me and my dad are building it. So if there’s any tips on this we will be obliged and I will review it as we go along on details, fit issues, etc.

Heres a start on the inside contents.

It is molded in Olive drab injected plastic. and the clear parts are injected as well.

THe decals are seperate and there is an instruction manual with paint instructions and decal placement aswell as how to put it together. All the sprues came in one plastic bag and one sprue was broken luckily not breaking any pieces. Here are pics.

Well keep us posted are you gona do any Aftermarket stuff to this A/C?

Well its really up to my dad since it’s his aircraft. Im just working on it with him because we like to spend time together.

Good luck with the build. Hope you & your Dad enjoy the time together.

Regards, Rick

It’s great you and your dad are going to spend time together, but that kit is a piece of crap!!

ygmodeler4 ;

Well first off I’ve built that kit about 10 times, and just to make things easier for the build I’d recommend an AM cockpit set, either resin or PE, the kits cockpit is sparse for details and the instrument panel is completely wrong for this version of P-40 it’s for the later versions D’s to N’s, my experences with resin would be the main choice, and the True Details set that’s for the Trumpeteer kit is very nice and not to pricey about $10.00 from Squadron, and with some “adjustments (trimming & filing of both model & resin set)” it’ll look really nice in the kit, but if you haven’t really done this type of upgrade to an old kit just take your time and test fit after each trimming and it’ll look like a pro had done the kit when your finished it,

here is some tips to use when painting resin instrument panels

paint the panel flat white enamal first, then use black wash (thinned flat black acrylic paint to the point of water) for about four (4) times (let dry in between applications)(this makes the guage needles stand out without dry brushing and making the whole panel white after you just paited it black), then paint the rest of the panel flat black, let it dry then drybrush with flat white to make the guage borders stand out, and drybrush silver for the switch levers, then paint as per directions for the resin kit instructions