Over the Pacific

Here’s my latest “digital dogfight.” Its the Tamiya Wildcat and Hasegawa Zeke 21. I know its a large picture, but I wanted to try to capture the sense of space. Thank you for letting me share it. Pix

Hey Pix,
Nice touch my friend. So how do you like the digital world??
Flaps up, Mike

I absolutely love doing these pictures. They give new life to the models sitting on my shelves. I built the Wildcat about 8years ago, and the Zeke when it came out. When I need a background, I only have to point the camera up. Digital is definately the way to go. I’ve taken some pics with my SLR, but the film has to go out for processing. When they come back, there’s usually a “warm tone” (red shift to the whites), which I can only eliminate by scanning the picture and doing color corrections with Photoshop. Digital cameras are great. Just buy the camera and memory, and that’s it. If my angle or lighting isn’t right, I can re-do it immediately. I am a media arts student, and doing these compositions really improves my skills for next semester. So glad you like them. Im always thinking of new ones to try. Thanks again, Pix

I put up a topic over on the diorama page explaining, in a broad manner, how you can make these images yourself with Photoshop. Its titled “Digital dio 101.” If you need help, I’m here for your questions. Thanks again, Pix.

pix…i think your work with the digital camera is outstanding. I have been taking some pix of the models i build with my digital, but they are all on either a tarmac or the deck of a carrier. I would love to learn how to use Photoshop 7…is that the program you are using?

I actually have Photoshop 6.0. I believe that the difference between the 2 is that 7 has more web related features. Did you go over to the Diorama forum and check out the post I left there ? Its called “digital dio 101.” Tell you what-I’ll re-post it over here in case you and others would like to learn. Thanks for the compliment, it is apperciated. Its so much fun, I have been using Photoshop for about 4-5 hours a day for the last year and a half. Thanks, Pix.