outstanding builds

i just have to comment on the fantastic builds i have seen on the forum. there have been a number of outstanding builds in all areas of the forum. to all i say fantastic. thanks for sharing them.



You are right. I have wished that I could even come close to some of the builds I see here in the forum. They are a definite insperation to work on improving my modeling skills.


my thoughts exactly. definitely an inspiration for us.


Now don’t be leaveing your self out there Joe. That’s been one nice potato you’ve been working on. [:D]

Yup, there’s some beauty stuff being made and posted by forum folks. Lots of inspiration.

Hope ya’ll keep it up! Thanks for sharing.

Your Welcome![:P][(-D][(-D][(-D][(-D][(-D][(-D][(-D][(-D][(-D][(-D][:P][:o)][:D]

LOL! Ya Right!!![:D][:I][D)][(-D][(-D][(-D][(-D][(-D]

I have to agree on the fantatic builds we’ve seen in this forum. And they not only serve as inspiration but they become excellent reference also.

That means you are not talking about my builds…lol

thanks for sharing…your inspirations & labours of love…
it’s making me crazy to not have a work area yet…nor a scanner to be able to offer up a project or two for the discerning eye…

too many nice builds have been posted. I just don’t have the time to try to replicate them all [:)]

True, true! So many great works…and plenty of great ideas to steal! Heh heh heh!!!

You’re all right - There are many exceptional examples of the art of modeling posted in pictures for us all to see. Thanks to all of you talented lunatics - you’ve made my days brighter. My wife doesn’t really see the thrill of applying tiny amounts of paint to an equally tiny bit of plastic…
This forum, as well as Finescale Modeler Mag, has been a real eye opener, and using the advice and techniques discussed here has vastly increased my skills.
So now I can look at one of my models and actually be happy with the finished product.