Opinion: Website Updates posted by other sites

With all the modeling websites out there, it’s impossible to keep up with all of them. We tend to have our favorite sites and stick with them. Unfortuneately, I think we sometimes miss out on a lot of good stuff that can be found on other sites.


As an example – MundoHobby.com [ http://www.mundohobby.com/default.asp ] was recently posting frequent updates regarding his website. Some people were annoyed by this and stated that fact. I can understand their fustration. Technically it is against our rules.

However, we have said that if they limited the information to a one-time introduction post about them and/or business/website/organization etc. it would be okay. Taking that a step further, how would you all feel if we allowed people to create a thread regarding their website and limited all updates/announcements to that single thread? For people who had no interest in that website, they could choose to ignore the thread. For people who were interested, they could check it out when they saw the post was updated. For people who don’t like visiting ten or more sites a day to check for updates, this could be useful. [:)]

What is everyone’s thought on this?

Hey dvoss,

Would it be feasible to put in a separate forum? Maybe you could call it Website Links or something of that nature and put it in under the welcome forum. That way, all the links can be located in one area instead of going through all the different forums. Just a thought.


Possibly. It’s something to keep in mind.

I like shaggy’s idea. I don’t mind the links, as long as they are not commercial. Sorry again Dave for spouting off too soon.

I like the idea as well. Would make things a little easier.

Makes sense to me. Add it to the list, folks. - Ed