I have been pleased with their prompt shipping, prices that in general aren’t too gougy, wide selection of things I’m interested in and great website that lets me find AND see things before I buy them.
BUT … they send out that [censored] catalog every month! And I OPEN it! And there are things in there that I WANT! [banghead] … Must … remain … strong …
I used to get those too and it would drive me crazy. It just made me want to order more but the boss (wife) would say no. I’m sure others can relate to that. [;)] Its amazing how many arguments get started by that flyer![:)]
I am OK until I get to the last two pages. Then I see things that I want. Have to resist going on to the site and ordering them. I usually try to find out some information on the kit before I order. I hate to look forward to something I want, only to get a dog of a kit.
I guess I am lucky in that respect. I don’t have the patients to sit and look through it because of all the pictures and everything else crammed into the page, I give up after the first page[:D]
I always read the monthly flyer to see what Squadron considers new & what’s on sale. This months flyer featured a new format that I really found confusing. Maybe I’m just resistant to change, but I really preffered the previous format.
I usually find myself looking through their flyers at least 8 to10 times once I get them in the mail. They really do a superb job with the layout and design of each flyer they send out.