Almost everything on my shelf has stars or swastikas on it. Thought I’d add something else for a change. Dutch!
Nice job Shooter, very clean and well done! I like it!
My last name is Dutch so that is part of my heritage I guess. [;)]
Lovely! Is that the Tamiya kit?
Nice work great job on the camo.
Nice clean build of an unusual subject, thanks for sharing it with us. Darren.
Great looking model, very well done.
And what a relief… with that title I thought it was going to be a photo of me
Yep, that is the Tamiya kit. The newer 339 with all the extra parts in it.
Very nice Buffalo. Well done.
Regards, Rick
Short, fat, and beautifull! Thats a great looking little model. Nice job.
Sharp build! Great to see a Buffalo, we need more subject matter like this one.
Neat little Buffalo, Shooter. I like the change of pace. Nice photos, too
Glad you guys like it. It was never a hot rod and don’t capture the imagination like the popular aircraft do but it still filled a role in our history and is worthy of a good build, IMHO. I’ve got two and love them. Am thinking of building another.
Here is the other.
Definately a beaut! [tup]
Tom T [C):-)]
Very nice. Looks sharp!
+1 for the good job on the camo! Well done.
I remember sitting in the cockpit of one of those when I was a boy in the late '40s, at Teterboro Airport, in New Jersey, where it had essentially been abandoned as worthless. (Those were the days when kids could still wander around airports–even an airport that is today a mega-GA field–and sneak into a cockpit or two…) Imagine what it would be worth today.
A trip to the federal penetentiary (sp?) and being labeled as a terrorist!
Really slick job on the camo, it’s very impressive. What did you use to mask?
Nice job on the buffalo. Is the second one the Tamiya kit too? Leon
Thanks again guys!
The camo was masked with frisket film.
The second plane is the Classic Airframes kit. I chose the box top version for my build.
Great looking job on the build.