one for the long weekend (pic)

Here’s Revels 1/72 MiG-29 - fairly simple, not much to write home about (if memory serves the kit dates to the early 90s or late 80s). But Eagle Strike decals and a Verlinden K-36 seat went aways in dressing it up and a sludge wash helped make the most out of what detail there was (the upper surface intakes are actually quite shallow…) - other than that it was just a matter of cleaning up a rather messy fit in places… the photograph itself is an experiment - I got sick of waiting for a sunny day to take the picture and instead started playing with some settings - this one I tried a slower shutter speed to let more light in.

Looks good to me!!!

Looks good to me too. Any other pics?

Here’s another couple of the MiG… I can’t remember if I posted my F4D Skyray here or not. I had a short article on it at

Guess I better get to work organizing my new place so I can start building again - almost out of pictures!!! [:0]

Sweet. Got any more pics of other models/

Pretty cool man…!!![:p]
Flaps up,Mike

like it! good pics too.

Stay tuned for different models. I think I’ve got one or two more I can post, and one more besides that with pics in the camera. Some earlier ones may be worth photographing too - after a good dusting of course!! [:D]

Must admit, the warm feedback is a nice added incentive to finish up some other projects. Not only is there my own satisfaction of finishing the job, but I’ve come to enjoy sharing the results!! [:o)]

Awesome pictures, what camera did you used?

Beautiful. Just beautiful. I looks just like the real thing!


Awesome! I love those post Soviet era Russian markings.

I remember building that kit in the late 1980’s and trying to put Leading Edge’s Ukrainian Airforce special markings on it. It didn’t go too well.

Show us the underside, did you get those two huge notches on the engine housings near the tailpipes filled in? How did you do it? Better question, what was Revell thinking when they molded those notches in?

Awesome model again! Love to see more of your work.

For the camera I used a Canon EOS Rebel 35mm SLR with Fuji ISO 800 print film, and along with the set of prints I had it developed on CD ROM (local photo shop runs a decent deal on that). For the cloudy weather, I used a shutter speed of 1/100.

To apply the special markings required just a little bit of surgery because the markings were designed for a later version of the MiG with the trailing edge extensions to the tail. It’s probably not totally authentic to have this markings on an early model, but the kit was given as a gift and I like to dress those up a bit so they look nice when I send pictures to the “giver”! :slight_smile:

I’ll have to go look at the underside to answer the question about the engine housing - I’m on the road for the long weekend and am having a hard time visualizing it to answer your question!

Hi ya Karl …

Nice build-up and great pictures! I enjoyed seeing some of your work.