On some kits I have just acquired.

Today one of my co workers that I work with brought me 5 kits. The kits are (2) 1/32 Revell kits, one Bf 110G night fighter and a P-38J Lightning, the (2) Hasegawa kits are a 1/72 F9F-8 Cougar and a 1/48 P-51D Early version Mustang and the DML 1/48 Ho229A-1 Flying wing. All I want to know is the overall quality of the kit and any problems with them. Thanx for any advice, Bryan.

I can only speek for the F9F cougar kit. It’s the best 1/72 Cougar kit because it’s the only one though actually a pretty good kit and an easy build.

I agree with Gary about the Cougar… This is not a bad kit.

I wish I had a co-worker like that.

have you got any jobs there bryan?

Can’t speak to the 1/32 kits, but [#ditto] on the Hasegawa 1/72 Cougar. The Hasegawa 1/48 Mustang is a really nice kit and the DML Horton should be good, although I’ve not built it. Great to have generous co-workers!

Im with Dave… If this coworkers of the female type you should get married. [:D]

No kidding! Wish we all had coworkers like that. [:D]

The Bf 110G in 1/32 is a much sought kit. In the March 1997 issue of FSM, a modeler did an incredible job with this kit (he won the Grand Prize “Be an Author” contest.
The P-38 is a typical 1/32 kit of its time, and with aftermarket/scratchbuilt items, its a definate alternative to the new $120 Trumpeter kit.
The P-51 is a great kit, with no fit problems. I much prefer it to Tamiya’s kit, although the wheel wells are shallow.
The Horten is a beautifully detailed kit. DML’s PE is steel, which is a bit more difficult to cut & fold than brass. The wings are designed to be detachable, but the pins don’t hold them tightly enough. There is tubular framework & cannons which can be displayed with the wings off. Either Glue both, or leave both off.

I’ve built all of these. With the exception of the Hasegawa kit, dryfitting & careful cleanup of parts and seams will result in some nice kits.

Good luck, and congratulations on the score !

Thanx everyone for the info. I was kind of hesitant at first with the 110, but it is one of my favorite Luftwaffe planes and I really dont feel like looking for it in 1/48. The Horton kit I have always wanted and looking at the sprues I cant wait to get started on it. The Cougar I am going to do and give to my friends uncle since he flew them in Korea. LOL I should have mentioned that they weren’t free, I paid $50 for 9 kits. The other four kits I have already built, so I know what to look for in them. Thanx for the help, Bryan.

falcon039 - If you carn’t wait to get started on the Horten Ho 229 flying wing, then plz join us over in the paper projects and prototypes group build!


LOL I wish I had time to finish the four I am doing now. But with 3 kids, 2 playing softball and one playing baseball its kind of hard to find anytime. I really only have time when I am at work since everything that we are testing is broke right now, but maybe one day lol.

Good luck on those modles when you finaly get around to them. I have just recently finished the Ho-229 from Dragon. It is a decent kit, but I would recomend having a bottle of super glue handy! Be carful with the engines, if your putting the covers over them don,t put all of the little extrass on or the covers wouldn’t fit. For the life of me i couldnt get the two small joints bettween the top half of the, fusalage?, to stay glued to the nose peice, that is why one of the engine covers was glued on. Overall though, it was a fun and enjoyable kit to build, have fun!
Here is how mine came out, with a mixture of kit decals and decals from my spares box.