Old books and magazines

I’ve mentioned this several times over on the a/c side, where I usually lurk, but I visit here seldom and don’t know what the important issues are. I used to run an very old used bookstore in Brooklyn. Just before it closed for good, I had to clean out basement for first time in 40 years. I found a treasure trove of old a/c and auto books and magazines (and a lot of other cool old un-model-related stuff). Anyway, I kept several issues of Hot Rod Magazine in mint condition from early 50s to early 60s. It was my bible in late 60s when I was a 12 year old model auto builder. I also found a copiously illustrated (albeit B&W) book from 1957 called The New How to Build Hot Rods. Not models, but real ones. I wish I was a good auto scrach builder with lots of spares, I could have a ball with this. But it’s no use to me, nor are the magazines. How would you dispose of them? I don’t mean in the garbage. I’ll hang on to them unitl I find an enthusiast who appreciates this stuff.
One more question before I return to The Other Side: Can I get AMTs old Avanti kit? I do the occasional classic car, or F1 kit, and was wondering if the Avanti mold was picked up by someone else. Thanks. You guys have always been helpful.