Oklahoma Outlaw Modeler

Hey everybody! [:D]

It leaves a lump in my throat to say it but I’ve been glueing itty-bitty plastic bits together for near-on thirty years now. And I have the “unbuilt-closet” to prove it! [:(]

I also haven’t missed a copy of FSM since about 1987. [^]

Don’t sniff, [xx(]

Welcome, Rumba. No big deal, about the unbuilt-closet, as you put it… Just join the club…! Looking forward to hearing from you again.


Welcome Rumba, enjoy your time here. Got any cars in that closet?

Welcome Rumba

Alot of us on here have been doing “time” in this great hobby, so you are in good company! Please don’t hesitate to share your experiences/insights on these forums.

Regards, Dan


Welcome Rumba … you’re amongst people of like minds (and closets) here.