
Just something to share with all that may give you a chuckle. I have been working on the Hasegawa Ju-87B for the last few weeks. Looking at the box art and the directions, both show a square set on end (purple on the box and just a normal decal indicator in the instructions). Now, for the entire time, I have been thinking “What an interesting marking” and scrubbing different sources to figure out what frame, flight, squadron, group in particular could have had a purple square set on its point on the tail but to no avail. So finally, I reached the point of decal application, and pull out the sheet looking for this purple square. It’s not there. How can this be?!? After several choice explicatives about the lack of attention by Hasegawa, I threw my hands up in the air and walked away to watch Boston Legal. While in the midst of watching some holesome Denny Crane goodness, I had an epiphany…silly boy, its not a purple square, its a puss lickin swastika that cant be shown due to laws in Germany. Hee Haw, Hee Haw. (I think I have Mad Cow disease also). [D)] [8-] [banghead]

The “light” usually starts shining eventually. It frequently takes awhile for mine to come on also and it seems to be getting worse as the years roll by.

Darwin, O.F. [alien]

i hadn’t seen a square on the tail of an ME-163 before either…your not alone on this one i’m sure,i just don’t think everyone else is going to admit it now,lol

Don’t feel bad, I would have never known it! I would have posted a pic and added something about the little square and commented on how stupid they were to leave it out and never know the diffrence [:D]

[(-D] Classic[;)]

If I were to tell you about the last one I pulled, I’d need to ask FSM to get a bigger sever[:P][D)]

Maybe later

“Puss lickin”??? Is that some sort of colloquialism? Hmmm… it doesn’t seem to be in any of my slang dictionaries…

Two things go wrong when we get old. The first is the memory. the second is…I can’t remember.


You know, I’m not sure where I picked it up from, but have been using it for years…hmmm? Feel free to use it if you like it. [:D]