Oh my goodness, guys, I've done another model!!!

Just in guys. Check out my site for the new model: http://one-step-further.net

I know you all been asking for before pics, but I don’t have complete before pics of this particular one. I managed to post a few here of this particular model. Nothing in great detail but sufficient to get the idea. I have already promise to to do a better job when starting my other model.
Here are the pics: http://one-step-further.net/hummerradarbeforepics.html

Looks very nice!
What did you make the support legs from? Looks like you have a toolbox full of those little braces, are they premade? :slight_smile:

Site looks great too.

The legs are from the Italeri oshkosh cargo ton truck kit. I had bought about three.I needed to buy extra to build me the Patriot and another model. Most were on the other hand scratchbuilt.

Nice work! :slight_smile:

Cool subject! And well done too!

Thanks. I suppose you guys are referring to the completed painted model.

do know if there is any type of PLS kit out there, or those kit nimbers from the hemit wreckers or those PLS looking things you have. I think I’m going to maybe attempt to do a kit bash slash custum build?

“do know if there is any type of PLS kit out there, or those kit nimbers from the hemit wreckers or those PLS looking things you have.”

Unfortunately I don’t. I don’t think there are but I could be mistaken.Otherwise I probably won’t have tried to build one. I used parts from different kits as well doing a little scratchbuilding. Which one are you thinking of building first?

Nice work Tiking.

very good conversion!!

Thanks guys. I’m now working on a CLT container military dolly. This will also be scrathbuilt with some minor kitbashing involved. Keep you updated.