Odd problem with Revellogram decals

I just got the Revell 1/32 Wildcat kit. The decals had a “protective” cover sheet over them. Unfortunately, the wrong side of the cover sheet was in contact with the decal film—which stuck quite tenaciously to the cover sheet. When removed, much of the decal film was pulled off—but not all—leaving ragged remnants. Even when still more or less intact, the film has separated slightly from the ink. I have bottled decal film I can use to replace what was lost, but does anyone have an idea as to removal of the remnants? Low tack tape?

Yes, I did order a replacement set from Revell, but I am concerned that the replacements may have a similar problem.

IMHO you should just wait for the replacements.

It looks like you probably got a set that “sat in the box too long”, and when they send out a fresh set, they normally check them to make sure you are getting good ones this time. You see, normally kit makers actually order spare decal sets in batches (this is a constant headache with them) and when a batch comes in, it is fresher then that which came with the kit.

If you want further alternate markings, Hobby Craft’s 1/32 Wildcat actually comes with two completely different sets, one that matches the Academy instruction sheet,and one that matches the Hobby Craft box markings.


Tom T [C):-)]

Thanks, Tom!