[:O] WOW! Check this out!

Check this out!

Monogram 1/48 Visible B-17 B-17G Flying Fortress

Brian [C):-)]

Believe it or not, I built that exact one 25 years ago. I got it for X-mas that year. As I can remember, it was a great kit…very detailed and big. I think it was 1:48

I don’t remember what happened to it, I wish I did. [:(]

I’m going to have to finish the one I started almost 20 years ago! I’m thinking I have another clear side tucked away some where. I’ll have to investigate when I get back home.

Yeah, it’s unreal isn’t it? I saw that earlier today. It brought back a few memories of seeing the ad in my comic books eons ago. Wish I could have gotten one back then. Oh the would’ve, could’ve, should’ves, huh?

I was just on ebay in case anyone interester the is a P-51 visible model listed I don’t remember if it was 1/24 or 1/32. The price was resonable if I remember.


I can currently get these for 40% off at the local Hobby Lobby.

Tom T [C):-)]

Amen, leadsled! [banghead] [banghead] [banghead]

Yeah, they go like that every time. Almost makes me want to sell mine, almost.

That would make a nice super detailing project…!

Whew! Another hundred or two and you’ll be talking real money! I’m lucky enough to have one of these stashed away, but like Swanny, I’m hanging on to it. Besides, if the demand is great enough to command these prices, its only a matter of time before Revellogram reissues it with the clear pieces again, blowing the bottom out of the ebay Visible B-17 market in one hit. After all, why should ebay get all the money!


The last one I saw on EvilBay went for $310!

Brian [:O]

Think $310.00 for a visible B-17G was nuts I’ve seen a HO scale slot car went for $370.10 now thats nuts, what are people thinking when they just need to do is sit down and wait a few days and another item of the exact thing will come up for only $9.99 and sell for maybe $20.00