Hi all. I’ve been trying to find out what kits there are of the armor the North Koreans used during the Korean War. I have DML’s M26A1 and M4A3E8 POA-CWS-H5 I just got for Christmas courtesy of the wife [:)] and was planning to do a diorama with them. I know the NPKA used T-34/85s but I’m not to sure which version. I’ve also seen SU-76s, a BA-64 armored car and 122mm artillery piece. I’ve seen a Maquette Su-76M, but would this be the correct version? The armored car would be nice as would the artillery. Any help on this matter would be much appreciated.[:D]
The T-34 you want is the late war version. Most had what is called “Composite Turret” Late 1945/1946 Production" with 2 separated ventalators. Maqutte makes a late model T34-85 turret that is this type. Squadron’s Armor or the Korean War shows some good pictures of the T-34’s and other Soviet gear.
The SU-76M is correct but the couple of kits will need a lot of work. Figure; wheels and tracks to start, a set of PE, and a rebuild for the fighting compartment. There used to be a couple of upgrade kits that were for the DML import that had completely new fighting compartment, gun and details but they may be OOP.
I’ve seen a a BA-64 kit but it might be a resin one. Check the larger online shops for it.
Most of the artillery from WWII is correct. The NKPA was supplied with the 76mm field gun, the 152mm divisional gun and other standard soviet weapons.
Hope that helps
Check this link out about turrets
I imagine, but can’t confirm that they might have had IS-2’s and maybe some SU-85/100’s. Curious to know myself.
Thanks very much for the T-34 turret link![:D] Seems that Maquette would be the way to go, considering they make the T-34, SU-76, and the BA-64. The BA-64 seems like a nice kit and its cheap too. Can you elborate on the SU-76? Is it a case of poor fit? I would assume poor detail if you are suggesting new wheels and tracks. As to the IS-2, I think it was used by the Chinese, can anyone confirm this?. And last where can I find all those artillery pieces in 1/35?
Here’s a review on the BA-64
It is a case of soft and poor details
While there is an approximation of the interior/fighting compartment - the details are heavy or just bad. Things such as the floor, shell rack, etc not correct. Eudard makes a set that has much of what’s needed.
The SU-76 I built I had the Commanders upgrade kit that had a completly new fighting compartment.
It is still listed on the website - http://www.commanderseries.com/armor.htm - at $48.00
But you get 70% of a kit. Resin, PE, etc.
It does build into a really nice kit.
As for armor, it is true that the Chinese had been supplied both IS-2’s and ISU-152’s but neither was used, at least the Korean referrences I have asser that… By the time of the Chinese intervention the effect of both allied armor and airsupport had so decimated the NKPA’s armor forces the Chinese decided not to risk there units. I would think that had UN forces met Chinese tank forces that would have been recorded.
With the introduction of the Sherman and Pershing tanks - the T-34’s became so many targets. The new APDS ammunition for the 76mm gun, not to mention the 90mm cut right through the T-34’s.
I’ve got a plastic kit of a BA-64 in 1/35 made by AER. IT’s an okay kit, but requires quite a lot of TLC to make it look great. It’s kit # 3507 and may be OOP. I think I picked it up at a garage sale. I’ve also got an SU-76M in plastic by Alan. I wouldn’t recomend it though as the detail is very soft and the plastic way too thick for the scale. You may be able to use the wheels though. It’s kit #MM001 if you’re interested, I believe it’s also OOP. I got mine on Ebay.