Dragon Me262 nachtjaeger. Tamiya acrylics. Mottled with the Iwata Micron (what an airbrush!)…
Dragon Me262 nachtjaeger. Tamiya acrylics. Mottled with the Iwata Micron (what an airbrush!)…
ExcellentSteve. great work with the AB. So I am guessing you wold recommend that one[;)] Have you tried enamels with it? How did they work?
Steve: indeed a great airbrush…I want one. But it also takes skill to operate one…great looking airplane and mottle. First ime with the Mircon? It looks like you’ve had it for years from the finished product.
Great job! Love the camo. How was the kit? Go together pretty well?
That’s a great looking 262 Steve, excellent AB work.
Thanks all,
Yes I would definitely recommend the Iwata Micron series. However, they are expensive. I felt confident enough to not mask the canopy when I applied the mottle. The control and fine line capability is astonoishing (compared to the trusty Badger). I don’t use enamels much . But I’m sure the would be even slicker in this brush. The ability to spray lines under 1/32nd of an inch without overspray is very cool.
The kit has some issues around the nacelles ( gap) but it is decent.
Nicely done Steve. Good work.
Regards, Rick
Your mottling is just excellent! I just bought a Peak C-5 airbrush (Iwata knock-off), but haven’t had a chance to use it. Hope my next project turns out half as well as yours. Nicely done. [tup]
Geat work. It’s amazing what you can do with excellant tools.
Wow, excellent paint job. Makes me want to try a Micron, but I’m sure its more user skill than the tool itself. Any chance for a few more pics?
Here you go:
Very nice AB work Steve. Sounds like you had the right tool for the job, but the tool doesn’t work by itself. Execptional paint job.