Next Big Build?

I’ve been thinking about the next big group project and have heard some really cool ideas. A couple folks I talked to liked the idea of working on an original design keeping with the tech designs of the topic. So something from Star Wars or Star Trek or who knows??? Maybe a mid Jan. or Feb.(get through the holidays) start run till June. So what do you all think? [tup] or [tdn]


Sounds interesting. When you say original design do you mean one you personally come up with or can it be any fan based original design? For example could I use something off “The Starfleet Museum” or similiar fan based site?

This is a scratchbuild project that I’ll be starting in the near future. Would it be allowed?

These images are from “The Starfleet Museum”.

The Avenger! Cool ship, Woody! I would be interested in this build too…


Actualy I was kinda thinking it would be cool to build some of the ships on The Starfleet Museum site. There are some very interesting designs. So that would be fine.[^] I keep wanting to build a transport. And I know the commitment of a group build would get it done.

This could make for a great GB and bring some very impressive ships to life. And we already know that Dan can make it interesting.[;)]
So how about this and also include your own personal design as an option?


LOL…thanks Maxx,but I am with some humbling company…you and Woody have some beautiful ships going on! I like the transport idea too. Hmmmm… maybe the Yorktown (Minotaur) transport…?

Yeah Dan I was going to ask if you where planning a tranport for the Minotaur, in the same scale I hope. [:P]


Good gravy…that would be huge! LOL
I guess I would resize it and have a baby mino falling out the bottom…


Matt, Those Sahara Class Transport/Tenders are way cool! [8D][tup]
I like the Transport Command markings but the American Astrolines
livery is pretty sweet as well.

Dan, It’s about time you added a carrier to your fleet. It’s a shame to
have that huge fighter wing and no ride! [:p][:D]


Woody I liked the Astrolines too but I also like the Red Star Lines. I guess I could build both…[:-^]


Hold off on that transport. It’s been redesigned.

I’ve also got a few others on the slipways.

There’s also this ship:
Warning: Viewing this picture may cause violent reactions in some persons. I apologize in advance.

I think I’m can most definitly hold for that. WOW! Thanks Masao. Now I will have to build more than one.[:D]
The Cadiprise would make an awesome Star Trek scratch build trophy.[:-,]


WOW…Masao! Cool stuff but especially the Caddyprise!


Thanks, guys. The Cadiprise was designed for a contest at TrekBBS (I lost). Here’s a schematic:

Masao, That Cadiprise is pretty cool! [8D][tup]

Is that what your building for the group build? [;)]

you know that ship next to the Avenger really looks like a destroyer that I have for Star Fleet Battles but I believe the Avenger is a Battleship or Battle Cruiser right?

I’m a former (or maybe future) modeler. I now live vicariously through the efforts of others. Thanks, guys

Mikeym_us: I usually don’t worrry about categories for starships. That single-nacelle ship is the pretty much the same as the twin-nacelle ship from the neck up. Avenger was also used as the name of the Miranda class in fan technical publications before the “offiical” name was known.

After considering all the options and keeping things as simple as possible I think the over all plan would be as follows:
Retro Star Trek (Pre TOS)
Retro Star Wars (You’ll have your work cut out for you on this one)
Clasic Sci-Fi (Movies,books, ect)
The rules will be worked out before mid Jan. – Keep in mind the overall idea will be to build subjects that are not in production. I hope that this will open up a build for all and not be focused on any one topic. I plan on a build from the Starfleet Museum as are I belive Woody and boybuddho. And check this out my wife might even step into this build with a classic UFO[^] So let me know if you want to sign up or e-mail me with questions or suggestions.


Actually the Avenger and is a destroyer. Here is a link to the Avenger page at “The Starfleet Museum”.

I’m just got my drawing scaled to 1/1000 for the Avenger. I went ahead and got my drawings of the Predator scaled as well. I’m getting stoked I might have to do the Predator class as a warm up to the next group build. [:D]

Very cool, Woody. I know quite a few guys that would interesited in seeing kits of Avenger/Predator. Me included, of course. A kit would actually force me to return to the world of paint and plastic.