New Tiger I Variant Discovered

Due to the shortage of fuel at the end of the war, Germany tried to develop a wind-up variant of the Tiger I tank allegedly known as Tiger 1 (W) [W supposedly for Wind-Up]. This variant which carried a wind-up motor supposedly did not need fuel inorder to operate. The crew just need to wind up the motor every other 30 miles.

References are still scarce but 2 pictures of this very rare Tiger 1 have been discovered so far.

Prototype of Tiger 1 (W) outside the factory.

Prototype of Tiger 1 (W) on field trials with the crew obviously trying to wind-up the motor.


In the second pic it looks like a guys holding a giant donut

Wow thats amazing. But were is the model, OOH MY GOD were is the model?
Thanks for the pics that is really really cool. Although I wonder how did that engine work and did it have enough power to carry such a huge tank!
Thanks a lot for the pics Dwight!

Dwight you need to do some more research because if you keep going you will find out that they also used two squearls on round wheels.The squearls refeused to go any more and was sent to a consentration camp for the remainerd of the war.Digger


Hmm. This a relatively new finding. Maybe the model companies are still waiting for more information.[:D]


Wasn’t this superseded by the even rarer self-winding model?

[:O]It was? Oh well, might try looking for references on that one, too[(-D]

Oh too funny, no wonder the Germans lost the war.


and I’m not only laughing for the orriginal post, but some of the replys are even funnier…

Perhaps they should have developed a version that ran off their own sense of well-being?

if it could have run off of their leader’s feelings of superiority,
they would have really had something there!

Unknown truth also found , the Germans were not defeated by the allied forces alone , but by thier axis ally japans arch enemy godzilla and mothra , which made the crosssea trek to aid us in the victory ( Godzilla hates wind up tanks and laser tanks)

Cool! Wind up AFV’s could be an answer to Canada’s underfunded military . Now how about a wind up helicopter to replace our aging SeaKings !

[#welcome] Strathcona

Wow, it’s amazing how much we didn’t know about the war until now. LOL.

BTW, welcome to the forum, Strathcona.

Let us not foget the ill fated SchnitzelSturmWagon which operated on the flatulence of its operators…

Lol, great stuff as always Dwight.


Ya know i found one of those keys hanging up with a pair with my old rollerskates i had that,were made in Germany do i have a collectors item here or what?