It has an announced release date of Oct 10. I guess they beat DML to the punch. Imagine when/if Tasca releases that M3 VVS bogie set as a separate release!
It has an announced release date of Oct 10. I guess they beat DML to the punch. Imagine when/if Tasca releases that M3 VVS bogie set as a separate release!
Nice looking set of decals.
Now there are two! Oh what great times we are living in! Yes, the M3 bogies as a seperate set would be wonderful! I wager that Dragon’s M4A1 will be more affordable though.
Now for those Sherman DD’s in a mainstream kit…
Aw C**P!!! Now what do I do with my Formations and Tankworkshop resin M4A1 DV conversions and resin M3 suspension???
I’m buying whichever comes out first…looks like it will be Tasca!
For the life of me I can’t understand why a company hasn’t come out w/ a “D-Day” Sherman which would include most of the amphibious variants, sorta like a DML 3 in 1 kit…I feel it would be a gold-mine in terms of sales…even I would buy one and I’m really not into Shermans…seems like such an obvious winner…c’mon DML !!!
I image a Sherman DD would be a pricey kit.
It would be pretty cool with canvas and props! [:D]
Considering the amount of plastic in some of the DML kits of late I disagree that it would be any more expensive than any of their current 3 in 1 or SMART kits—$40-$50 range…
I was leaning towards it being more detailed oriented than the amount of plastic because it should be somewhat positionable so moving parts would be important.
yeah, if they did a DD/Wading 2 in 1 of each type. Basicly the sprues to make each would be the same, the floatation gear/propulsion screws or the wading stacks with the waterproofing mantlets on the main gun and bow MG. Two sprues basicly if they molded the skirts in the deflated mode. I think all the Overlord DDs were M4s, M4A1s and M4A2s so the hull length for the flotation skirt would not vary.
The earliest M4A1 Shermans are my favorite variant. Nice, smooth curves, clean appearance, plain OD finish, very appealing.
Whoever jumps on it first will be raking in the dough for a long time…I wish I had the number to DML’s World Headquarters…lol…
Regarding DD Shermans, the bulk were M4A1s and M4A4s. Some M4A2 versions were also made but they were fewest in numbers. All three of these has differing exhaust systems and hull shapes so three different setups would be required.
Heck, Manny I wish I had their number to. I would sell them my rammtiger. But for shermans the only thing I have is the m10. I have read alot of great things about the tasca. Instructions not so good but the rest top notch. I just ordered a firefly from them. Will have to see about the new one.
Perth has a review here of this kit. According to the review, they will be releasing the M3 suspension as a seperate set later this year!
Any review of the Dragon version…or is it to early for that?
With the release of the Tasca Sherman II DV, people were chucling over the “coup” over DML’s announcement of theirs a few months ago. No, no sign of the DML one has emerged beyond their original announcement.
(on a side note, I provided some photos of the DV area to one of the DML researchers a while back – so I’m confident that it’s in the pipeline)
I’ve got mine on pre-order and can’t wait for it to be released. I have been waiting for a mainstream OOB British Sherman II for so long now it’s not funny.
I also really like the fact that the fenders and sand shields are in styrene and not PE, one of the things I found very difficult on the DML Sherman III was getting the fenders to form correctly.