New release: "The Beast" in 1/72

This is one that I’ve been waiting for… I hope Santa is listening…

Academy is releasing their SB2C Helldiver in 1/72 scale. As far as I know - it’s the only one currently in production. Check it out at…

The pictures look really nice.

I’ve seen adds for White Ensign’s wingfold and exterior PE detail sets for a 1/72 Helldiver - but never saw any available kit !

Happy Modeling,


Not what I’ve really been waiting for, but looks nice !

Looks like a good and detailed model, in the pics…



About time! I’ve had experience with the Matchbox kit (which was the only 1/72 kit up until that point) and I have nothing good to say about it. I will definitely look into this a bit more actively! [:D][tup]

It was first announced about a year ago & was supposed to have been released by October/November. Like you, it’s one I’ve been waiting for.

Regards, Rick

There’s a lot of detail on that model. At first I thought it was a 1/48 instead of 1/72. I wonder what decal selection they have for this kit?

I’ll be buying one![:)]

Looks pretty good in the pics, just might have to check it out. Thanks for the link.