Hi to all,
I really need some input here. I’m trying to find colors for the current U.S. uniforms used in the Iraqi Freedom conflict. FS Scale or Tamiya colors would be great! This information seems to be eluding me everywhere I look. Thanks for any help.
I can give you Humbrol colours that are pretty close. 121 light stone (or pale stone, can’t quite remember the name) gives you a good colour for the over all sand colour. 120 light green, mixed with a little white as required gives the faded looking light green colour, and 170 (that’s a dark brown) mixed with a small amount of white gives the ‘coffee stain’ Brown areas. Hope this is of help.
You wont find FS colour codes for paint colours for uniforms because the Militarty don’t paint uniforms! The best way is to search the web for lots of photos, and mix up your own paints that look close. You could try www.uscav.com they sell military uniforms and you might find photos there, or www.ebay.com and search for desert cammo or something like that, you can find a lot of people selling uniform items, usually with photos, and these are often second hand and therefore more like the items as they are found in the field.
hope this helps
Short and sweet. Thanks nzgunnie! You were a big help,and you’ve got a really cool website. Keep on Trampin’
I see what i can do to help.
This message will serve as my bookmark for your topic since I do not have the right info at present. I do have specs for Desert camo on my Dragon model kit. 1/35 figures. Plz be patient on my next reply … see you soon.
would it help if i photoed one of my DBDU patches?
Any help is good help! We would 'preciate it a bunch. I’ve been experimenting with some Tamiya paints like buff XF-57, and J.A. grey XF-14. I think I need to lighten them up some. Nzgunnie gave some great info but, I can’t get Humbrol paints around here, I never knew I lived in the armpit of the world;)
Any way, thanks again.
I put a photo of one of my DBDU patches on ronUSMCs web page if you want to check it out, also a picture of a shot up albanian building I came across in kosovo. maybe it’ll help someone on a KFOR scene or something, but I have more kosovo pics if anyone wants to take a look?
nzgunnie, those figure models of yours are excellent! The detail on the six-color desert camo (chocolate chip) is very well done, but I really like that WWI doughboy with the trench detail. May I ask which kits you used for that and the scale? -Steve
Hi Steve, Thanks for the feedback, great to hear encouragement. I’m afraid I can’t remember the names of the Kit manufacturers. The Doughboy is actually an ANZAC at Paschendale or some similar place, and it is in 120mm scale… I’m pretty sure it was from an Aussie company, I purchased it from my local hobby shop back in about '97. All the details on the diorama are scratch built, right down to hand twisted barb wire.
If I can track down the box, I’ll let you know the name of the company.