New Bottle AK Real Colors have arrived

Well, they have finally arrived in the warehouse, the new 17ml squeeze bottles of AK Real Color Lacquers. They have a different screw top for the bottles to easily tell them apart from the acrylics.

They are also coming out with sets, like the 3rd Gen Acrylics

So far several shops have ordered their initial stock of the paints from us, so keep your eyes peeled at your favorite LHS.

Good to know,they were easy to use as Tamiya,thinned with Mr Surfacer or regular lacquer thinner,and have a great color range.

Yes, I’ve become a convert to the line. As my old Model Master, Polly Scale, Aeromaster and other discontinued paint lines are used up, I’m replacing them with these paints. At least for airbrushing, they cannot be beat.

It’s interesting to have another paint available at least. Where I am, it would very likely need to be gotten by online ordering.

You probably would anyway, but if you shoot some of this stuff, let us know how it lays down ? Being lacquer, my imagination says awesome though !

They’re not lacquer they are formulated like Tamiya acrylics and they spray very nice especially using Mr Surfacer Leveling thinner.

Actually I’d put them somewhere between Tamiya lacquers and Mr Color paints in performance. They are indeed a lacquer, and behave as such when you try to use them for brush painting. But for airbrushing thinned with Mr Levelling Thinner, it is one of the best paints you could ever hope to use.

Great to know, thank you ! I’ll be looking deeper into these as it all unfolds.

Thats great to hear.

I bought my firs AK paints (Russian WWII set) but haven’t tried them yet. (Real Color Air)

If you do not have some already, get yourself a bottle of Mr Leveling Thinner for use with the Real Colors. Together they make for a fantastic airbrushing experience.

I have some. I’ve been using Mr Color quite a bit so pleanty on hand.

I wondered about all this. The last time I visited the larger hobby shop in my area I found that the AK Real rack had a sign on it stating that AK had shut down production as they were reformulating the line. They were selling them at close-out prices but the rack was mostly empty. I have a couple of projects I already started and wasn’t sure where all this was going. Eventually I will have to make another trip there to see if they have the new stock yet

My Hobby Town in Asheville says he had them last week when I was in,but he needed to assemble the display,looking forward to trying them out as I am a big fan of AK- Real