Gidday all
Well by way of intro and trying to retrain myself to keep within the 100 charector limitations let me say gidday to one and all from West Australia! [8D]
I took my first foray into modeling 3 days ago when I decided to make a half model of BB Crowninsheilds Dark Harbor 12 1/2 day sailor… then changed my mind and decided to do both the DH and his 40ft schooner Fame on the same backing board. and am now almost done… well other than marking the waterlines, varnishing and building a Sheoak frame that is [^]
Never having done anything like this before I was staggered at how simple a couple of half models can be… well compared to building the actual boat that is!! [8)] mind you the level of detail wasnt such that it was terribly difficult as half models arent as detailed as say a full rigged sail model but nonetheless look great
I am presently redisigning a 56ft Broome pearling lugger down to 26ft in length this shall in all probability be my first actual build of a full size sail boat… and intend to build scale models of both boats along with a couple of others before I start building the actual boat.
I hope to learn a lot from the gathered modellers on the board and if I can offer whatever support I am able along the journey
Well there you go!!.. sea yer on the waterfront! [;)]
Take it easy
Hey, Shane
Welcome to the Forum…and your half models look great. They make a pretty cool wall decoration when made from a nice hardwook and varnished.
Show us the models of the lugger when you get it finished. Don’t really worry about the 100 word limit - the moderators are pretty relaxed about the number of words in your questions and replies - I guess just use common sense. The two guys at FSM that seem to answer most of our questions to the FSM staff are David Voss and Lawrence Hansen - they seem like pretty switched on guys. If your question or answer has 101 words, they’re not going to commence legal action - they’re too busy for that. As for the rest of the folks who wanter around the forum, they’re a mad bunch - there’s a lot of knowledge out there, and they wouldn’t be on this forum if they didn’t want to share that knowledge - so ask whatever you want.
Who do you barrack for - Freo or the Eagles? I assume you must - after all, there are only 2 Vic sides in the 8. Shocking if the cup goes interstate AGAIN…HA!
Have a good one, mate
I was hoping to do the two half models with Tuart but unfortunately its all still green… only cut sliced and stickered a couple of months back [V]
Im going to do the next one much the same as these two with balsa but full model not half… but then the one for the 26ft lugger I will do in solid timber as I have just been given quite a stack of really dry Jarrah Wandoo Blackbutt and a bit of Banksia so that one shall be as accurate as I can get it down to the rabbet line lay of planks and exact on the mould as this shall probably be the model I use to take sizeings from for lofting of the actual build… so it best be right![8D] I think Im going to have to make some bronze castings for nails and such which should offer another learning curve [:D]
Once I start to plank her up I shall post something no worries… at present Ive got the moulds done and the keel standing in the strongback with all lines laid out so next step will be to set the moulds to their stations then cut the deadwood particular will be the transom area which is quite a nasty little curve similar to those of Crowninsheild above only more pronounced and wider so a bit of steaming have to will occur… yet another learning curve! [8D]
Luckily or unlucky depending on when I mention it {should have heard me yesty!! whoooeee talk about wharf lingo I would have shamed them fellas!} I now have some sail cloth since I blew out the jib on my wee 12ft hawk yesty blasting around the estuary [:I] nice rip in that peice of fabric so I will use some of it for the models sails[8D]
Eagles mate the dockers have their proverbials stuck where the sun dont shine {just my opinion of course[;)]} and it should be here in West Aus Best Aus [^]… you fellas have had footy your own way for way to long over there! [:p] … yes West Aussie should bring it back and by gar yous fellas better damned well let us play the final here!! cause we are going to win it this year![}:)]