2006 Armor Group Build Guide
Hi all, I’ll be your new Armor Group Build Guide Manager for now since I have been given permission by Dave Voss.
This thread is simple, all you need to do is post a link in this thread to your Group Build, and I’ll copy and paste it into this post, eventually creating a list or “guide” to all the armor Group Builds submitted.
1/72 German Armor GB: http://www.finescale.com/FSM/CS/forums/568708/ShowPost.aspx
German Armor GB: http://www.finescale.com/FSM/CS/forums/1/471649/ShowPost.aspx#471649
KV 2006 GB in the GB forum, http://www.finescale.com/FSM/CS/forums/584932/ShowPost.aspx
Ok, I have not been managing this thing too great but I have finally returned. Anyway, I’ve thought of a new way of managment. It will not let me copy and paste links to this post, so please post your link and GB name and I will list the name(and page in thread) in this post. This way, people simply go to the page listed and find the link needed. Thanks.
- Italeri GB, pg.1
2.WWII Diorama GB#2 pg.1
Whatever happened to that KV build we were trying to get off the ground. I can’t find the thread.
Oh yes, that was my idea, wasn’t it. [:I] I’d still like to get it going. My goal was Feb. 2nd. I’ve been really busy of late and a tad unmotivated with all the floods of rain going on here. How about early Spring? I think there was some interest.
I ended up having 5 trumpeter KVs in storage (those bastards just won’t stop making more of them, now they even have the german captured ones to follow… sigh), I am up for it. I guess it’s time you make an official thread. I will do the badge tonight if you are kul with it. =P
Alex, here is the link for the KV 2006 GB in the GB forum, http://www.finescale.com/FSM/CS/forums/584932/ShowPost.aspx
Ryan, I am fine turning this build over to you. Good luck, I hope to get into it myself. The Trump KV looks awesome.
Ive got a couple things on the bench now id like to be in the GB with, see my signiture for the model descriptions, LOL.
But what else here do i need to do? Or am I too late? for anything?
Need a lil help? I’ll volunteer .

Also add the Panzer Aces GB, if you would.