New 2006 Armor Group Build Guide

2006 Armor Group Build Guide

Hi all, I’ll be your new Armor Group Build Guide Manager for now since I have been given permission by Dave Voss.

This thread is simple, all you need to do is post a link in this thread to your Group Build, and I’ll copy and paste it into this post, eventually creating a list or “guide” to all the armor Group Builds submitted.


1/72 German Armor GB:

German Armor GB:

KV 2006 GB in the GB forum,

Ok, I have not been managing this thing too great but I have finally returned. Anyway, I’ve thought of a new way of managment. It will not let me copy and paste links to this post, so please post your link and GB name and I will list the name(and page in thread) in this post. This way, people simply go to the page listed and find the link needed. Thanks.

  1. Italeri GB, pg.1
    2.WWII Diorama GB#2 pg.1

Whatever happened to that KV build we were trying to get off the ground. I can’t find the thread.

Oh yes, that was my idea, wasn’t it. [:I] I’d still like to get it going. My goal was Feb. 2nd. I’ve been really busy of late and a tad unmotivated with all the floods of rain going on here. How about early Spring? I think there was some interest.

I ended up having 5 trumpeter KVs in storage (those bastards just won’t stop making more of them, now they even have the german captured ones to follow… sigh), I am up for it. I guess it’s time you make an official thread. I will do the badge tonight if you are kul with it. =P

Alex, here is the link for the KV 2006 GB in the GB forum,

Ryan, I am fine turning this build over to you. Good luck, I hope to get into it myself. The Trump KV looks awesome.

Light Armor GB:

Ive got a couple things on the bench now id like to be in the GB with, see my signiture for the model descriptions, LOL.

But what else here do i need to do? Or am I too late? for anything?


Hi Alex. Please include the Italeri Group Build. Thanks

Hey, check out the second WW II Dio GB here!

Need a lil help? I’ll volunteer .

Also add the Panzer Aces GB, if you would.
