Here is some of what I have been working on!
My new website is still not ready so go here:
Here is some of what I have been working on!
My new website is still not ready so go here:
Most of the interior is really more of a dark ero grey tone other than green…
A friend took these pics for me with a much better camera and put them on disc…but I could not open it in my adobe…here is what it says:
Could not open ‘C:/…\consfloor.jpg’ because of a problem PARSING the JPEG data
What the heck do you think that means?!!..never saw that before.
OK…I ran the pics through a different photo tool that worked!
Make sure that you click on FULL SIZE for a really good view![:D]
Nicely done, fluke. Cockpit detail is vey slick
Nice door posts!
Wow…that’s looking great.
No pun inteneded right Keyworth?[:p]
Thanks guys![:)]
Yo Papa…
Nice looking details, Troy! That’s going to be nice when you get it all finished! Are we going to open the engine doors and face that wondrous mountain of detailing work contained therein?[;)]
I was at the “Hobbit” hobby shop by Ft. Bragg yesterday, and someone had a diorama displayed of a Revell D Model, hovering about 1 scale foot over a rice paddy, wind blown ripples and rice plants, with hints of white caps on the surface.
There was 4 Grunts coming out of the left side, and 3 out the right, with two at the ready on the bench seat. An acrylic rod held the model by it’s belly, but the activity of the Infantry jumping into the wet rice paddy and the viewing angle, makes the rod invisible, and makes the Huey look like it’s hovering. They had a bunch of cool models, including one I’d never seen before, an OH-58C, with the flat window panels, in 1/50th scale, for $10! (I wish I would have got it, now) [xx(]
Alas, I didn’t have my camera with me, but it sure looked good, and it was good to be back on Bragg once again! A lot of things have changed, but there’s a lot of things that’s just like they were!
Anyway, thanks for the pictures and the updates!
Again thanks for the encouraging words all![:D]
Thanks Frank! that dioroma sounds cool!..was that the Revell 1/32 scale Huey D?
Pathfinder is working on one hell of a Dio himself! …saw some pics…LOOKS REAL GOOD!
Yes, the 1/32 D Model.
With the race car experiment complete, I am currently experimenting with different applications to possibly “Blur” the rotors of a diorama mounted helicopter, so they would appear to be in motion. Had that dio at the Hobbit been made like that, one could easily invision the scene as a photograph… the application possibilities are endless, and is what’s compelling me now.
You know something, Troy? I bet I’ve had more of those Revell D Models than any other single kit! When I was in the Army, I’d get one, fix it up, and sit it on the counter at Base Ops, and before very long, someone would want it … I’d sell it… then be right back over to the Hobbit to get me another one!
If one could find good 1/32 Vietnam Helicopter crew figures, that kit could be made KILLER! [;)]
I’ve fantasized about making a section of rice paddy like that, but having a downed beyond repair, heavy weathered UH-1 sitting up to her belly in the paddy, as some LRRP’s wade by it, weapons at the ready! [;)]
“Oh to live long enough for some of these idea’s to come to life.”
Sounds like some good ideas!
One of the best Dios I have ever seen was at a local hobby contest,
This guy built a 3X3 foot dio of a VC camp 1969…it had some Dragon and Tamiya 1/35 figures …there was a girl in the proper white gown on a bike talking to a VC officer, some guards, a tower and some cages with some POW’s inside. lots of bushes, trees ect.
The one thing that I did not notice untill the ‘builder’ pointed it out… was that there were six Navy Seals hidding in the bushes waiting for the right moment! MAN! that was SOOO COOL!!
It was like a photograph! ( I guess thats what a really GOOD dio is meant to be like )
The other thing that made this so interesting is that the ‘builder’ is from Nam and was 29 at the time of the contest ( around 1994 ) and remembers getting lotz of chocolate and goodies from U.S. GI’s…He also remembers one day all the guys at a Helo Company ( near his village ) all the sudden one day packed up and telling everyone to head to the mountains…a very sad day he said…later on His father was arrested for helping the U.S. and never saw him again…in 78 he and his Sister made it to the phillipines and then to the U.S.
gee…that was very interesting indeed…oh yeah…all the trees, bushes and bamboo was real! WOW! did get FIRST PLACE![:D]
OLDHOOKER - I thik you could get away with 1/35th figures, the difference is only .00268" per foot. I use 1/35 figure with the revell 1/32 cobra and it’s almost always a tight fit.