Hi modelers.! I’m looking for a set of Superscale decals for the 1/48 F89D Scorpion as worn on 76th Fighter Interceptor Squadron . They’re #48-382. I’m building a presentation model for a radar officer who flew backseat out of Pinecastle/McCoy AFB in Fla. during the mid-late 50’s. Any help with decals,paint details, or pictures will be greatly appreciated. Thanks all! Tom[:)]
I think you can get those decals from a web site run by D&J hobby shop. Thier web site is
I got that set from them but I need to hold on to them for a future project (hard to come by)
Thank You Alain in Quebec!! Now that I have one set, guess what? Yup I’d like a couple more if anybody has one or more. My buddy said he’d like a set for his own project and having an “extra” set could come in handy if anything untoward happens while applying the first set. Tom(P51d)