Need your help Armor modelers!

My first attempt at building a 1/48 Tamiya Tiger I Early Tank. Now I have the entire tank completely painted…tools, hull, and top. Im about to future iit (glossy first) then apply the decals. Now i dont have the wheels or the tracks on yet. My question is should i first just gloss the tank then decals, add tracks and wheels then fully flat coat, OR add first both tracks and wheels then fully gloss coat and etc.(deacls and flat coat). My only concern is that the gloss coat of future may just set too deeply in the tracks. Curious on your thoughts. Oh and if TigerTankMan is reading, I am in your Tiger group build and will post a slew of pictures soon. This is my first tank so its taking a long time.

Thanks for the help.


Paint and add the wheels. Then future and decal it and give it a wash. Then put the dullcoat on. And finally paint and assemble the tracks.

I built that kit and loved it. I put the wheels and tracks on, then futured it. I futured it from my airbrush, but I only futured the upper hull and turret. I didn’t worry about the areas that didn’t get decals. Then I dull coated the whole thing, then weathered, then dullcoated. The finish came out even.

When it comes to armor, I don’t worry about getting even coats of gloss coat. Tanks are dirty and have uneven paint. The end results (in armor) tells me that you only NEED future over areas that get decals.