I haven’t built models since highschool (I’m 32 now). I am a paratrooper and artillery officer in the 82nd ABN. I love model airplanes! I just built a “Phantom Mustang” and was very sketchy on it., but ok (it really isn’t a good model).
I am starting the Monogram 1:48 A-26C and have the kits to covert it to an A-26B (gun nose and lower turret) from Aero Master. I want to do areally good job and need all the help I can get! I want to make it a WW II 9th AF 386th BG but no one seems to make those!
I also have the Tamiya 1:32 F4D Phantom that I want to do in IL ANG 183rd FG late career markings., but that is another story!
Hey Niels,
So are you looking for some decals for the 386th BG or just plane ol reference material??
If I read correctly your looking for decals right?? Let me know and I can see what I can find.
Flaps up, Mike
Any other questions you can e-mail me at Falcon42177@yahoo.com or Falcon174th@aol.com
Aeromaster made two decal sheets with 386th BG Invaders on them:
48-160 WWII A-26 Invaders Pt.I
48-161 WWII A-26 Invaders Pt.II
Unfortunately, these are out of production. If you want to try and find one of these sheets, try going to Hyperscale, clicking on “Discussion Forums” and then on “Plane Trading” and make a post.
The ProModeler release of the A-26 kit was the A-26B and included decals for the 386th aircraft that’s on Aeromaster sheet 48-160.
For some photos of 386th BG aircraft, go to Web-Birds.com and scroll down the left side of the page until you see 386th BG. There’s mostly B-26 Marauders here, but there are a few shots of Invaders. The profile at the top of the 386th page is “Stinky”, the aircraft on Aeromaster sheet 48-160 and also on the ProModeler kit sheet.