Need help whit an M-110 A-2!!!!!!!!

Hi to all, well some weeks ago i got an M-110 A-2 [:D], the only problem its that…I DONT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT MAKING TANKS [:p]!!! i just want to know if someone can gime some tips or advices, its that i just want to make this marvel great, i dont want to ruin it [:(], well if u have any advices just put them here [:D], THX

PeAc3 OuT “I smell your brains, or its that a fart” [;)]

oh i forgot to put a link, click here to see it [:D]

It a howitzer, not a tank, so if you look in artillery references it’ll help more than a tank one would. That beast is way before my time on a gun so, I can’t say I’d be much help? Try looking at the Fort Sill web page, Ft. Sill in Oklahoma is the home of artillery, that’s were we train to be artillerymen. There is all sorts of goodies there to check out.

In my motor pool gallery there are photos of an M578 light recovery vehicle. It uses the same chassis and will be a help for references for the lower portion of the vehicle.

I have the m-110 also…but i picked up a verlinden…conversion kit for mine…the cast resin barrel is a lot better than the plastic tube ya get from italeri…for some reason …i always get kits where the barrell sprue is warped…the verlinden set gives me the option of the long barrel or short one…just waiting for photo etch…and tracks to start mine…one of MANY projects…


the m110 is an 8 inch self propelled howitzer. I think it was first used in 'Nam and served until at least the 80’s. i didn’t like it because it was usually open to the elements. It also had a single spade that could have come off a bulldozer! it fired seperate loading ammo and the rounds (bullets) weighed 200lbs.