Anyone know anywhere online where I can find some pics and info, I want to start building my 1/72nd Encore kit and I cant find much of anything for it.
Look here is a good site
happy modelling
I did the Smer/Heller kit a while ago. The only interior shots I was able to find were in a source called “Cockpit Profile-Volume4” from Flugzeug Publications. It’s got a photo of the front panel of the 96B, and drawings (with gauge info in German, though there’s a glossary of translations at the back) for both front and rear panels.I got mine from Squadron but neither they nor Great Models list #4 in stock. Try:
Thanks for the help fellas.
I meant to add—if you can’t find the “Cockpit Profiles,” let me know and I’ll scan the photos for you.
That would be great too. Right now Im using a little artistic license and useing some of the photo etch fret from a MPM 2 seat 109 (G12 I think) mainly the pedals the handwheels on the left side of the seat etc. Im going with the its an advanced trainer so many of the controls will be close in position and style as the fighters and so on.
Sounds like you’ve got a pretty good start. Here’s the link to the photos/drawings:
Have you settled on a scheme yet?
I’ll probably go with the box art Hungarian in green with yellow band as it is the most colorful, but still simple. Thanks for the link.