My brother served on the USSHyades AF28 during the early sixties. I would like to build one as a gift to him in either the 350 or 700 scale. Does anyone know of an AF type ship, or some toher type auxilliary shiip that can be converted to an AF?. Thanks
To my knowledge there is not a model of a Hyades-class stores ship in any scale. However, the Hyades was build on a Maritime Commission C2 hull. Liberty ships were EC2 hulls (E for Emergency).
You may be able to dope together enough info from Navsource to convert the Trump Liberty ship into an AF. In 1:700 - the same process could be done with the PitRoad Bootes AK.
Hi Ed,
I’m pretty sure the C-2 and the Liberty were very different hull forms. I suspect a better starting point would be the Revell Hawaiian Pilot, which is a Maritime Commission C-3.
John Snyder, White Ensign Models,
Revell Hawaiian Pilot, which is a Maritime Commission C-3.
Have you built (or seen) that kit? I’ve only ever seen it in catalogs, and always wondered if it built half-decent, or was like the 6-part SS United States kit.
But, maybe, that’s from too much musing over all the C2/3 parts in the old Bluejacket catalogs (and musings instead of buildings–O vile procrastination, thou vexeth me still )
CapnMack, do a search in the FSM archives for the phrase Hawaiian Pilot, there have been several detailed discussions of this kit in the past - another olddddddddddd Revell kit that has been reissued and reboxed numerous times, but from what I understand, with some patience, TLC and photoetch aftermarket goodies, can be turned into a fair-looking model.
Cool, thanks–I forget to look in the archives every so often.
Edit to add: Wow, cool previous thread, too. I did not know I needed an Esso Glasgow until just now . . .
Ooh, ebay just found me an auction with the Esso, the HP, and the Montrose, and for only £13, too.
Thanks again, possibly triply .
It may be possible to find a model of the American Scout, also a C2 freighter.
Sterling Models used to make a 51" wood kit of the American Scout. They now sell for well over $1200.
That being said, this looks like a partially finished kit on ebay, auction #6042988399