Name This Bird 1

I guess I have a short attention span for subjects that were never made into a scale model kit, especially if the person posting gets “anal” and insulting, so I thought I would go ahead and post one of my all-time favorites just for fun [;)]

I simply ask that the “winner” keeps it light and “in-touch” for the average modeler [:)]

By the way, I have an unbuilt kit for this one myself [:D]

As for some background, it is German,and in fact the allies were “sweating” over this one since it was built for a single stratigic purpose in spite of Hitler’s orders not to, and the U.S. did a special successful bombing mission to destroy it on the ground.

Tom T [C):-)]

That’s the Messerchmitt Me 264 “Amerika-Bomber.”

Anal and insulting?

I suppose if one has a persecution complex then my jibes would seem to be insulting. But that’s what friends do… they kid each other. And I thought we were all friends here, yes?

Perhaps I am mistaken…

I suppose if one has an inferiority complex they might consider me to be anal, but I say that I simply like to ‘get it right’.

No, I was not being anal or insulting.

You found my remarks to be insulting possibly because you have a limited sense of humor or, more probably, you just can’t take being jibed.

And you find me to be anal because I have a habit of presenting the correct information more often than not. And you certainly cannot accept it when one proves you wrong, that has been evidenced many times here on these forums.

As to the idea that subjects for these ID quizzes should be those which are available as a scale model kit… that was never a stipulation of the last thread until YOU decided to make it so with your posts on page 8 of the thread. Before that, it had never been mentioned. (How’s that for being anal? [;)] )

Oh, and that thread was started by Salbando, not you. As it happens, it turned into a community-run thread. And if there were to be rules, they should have been decided upon by the community, not imposed out of left field by one person.

I cannot improve on what Salbando said about the nature of these little quizzes:

If anyone was causing trouble at all in that thread, it was you… as any who read through it will plainly see. Yeah, you did apologize so I guess that makes it all better…

In the end, it sounds to me like:

Joe #1 doesn’t like not knowing the answers to the ID problems, so he decides that all of a sudden there should be rules which may keep things “in-touch for the average modeler”… especially himself.

But his idea seems to be blatantly ignored, especially by Joe #3945 who thinks Joe #1 is simply whining because he doesn’t like not knowing the answers.

Joe #3945 posts a picture of an airplane that, as it turns out, Joe #1 just plain doesn’t know.

Joe #1 doesn’t want to seem to be lacking for knowledge so he makes some sort of attempt at an answer, which is at least in the parking lot of the ball park but which, alas, is incorrect.

Joe #3945 points out that it is an incorrect answer by informing Joe #1 WHY it is an incorrect answer. He also makes a joke about it, as he likes to do… to keep things FUN.

Joe #1, for whatever reason, takes exception to being corrected, throws a bit of a fit and stomps off to start his own game.

This is now your thread and if you’d like to impose any rules, by all means do so. And I shall make no further ‘insults’ to you in this thread or any other thread. In short, I shall refrain from any and all contact with you because doing so would be a further waste of my precious time.

And by the way, after reviewing much information, including the relevant pages from the book you mentioned as well as original Northrop plans and design notes, I’ve come to the conclusion that you ARE wrong about the P-61… [;)]

You’ll view that as just another anal ‘insult’, no doubt…

Fade to Black…

You just didn’t get the whole idea of the aircraft id quiz tread, the fun point is the fact that you learn about aircraft you have never heard about. It’s not supposed to be easy, the standard is to high over here.

I’m busting my brains to answer the current question (not yours, but the one in the orginal tread) and that’s the fun.

Making it more easy is for quitters. And remember,

winners never quit


quitters never win

You got it bj!

You get the next post [tup]

Tom T [C):-)]


If you can, just ignore the loosers who didn’t guess it first and are posting things that have nothing to do with this string.

For those people, I pray as Our Lord taught me to, that they can someday “get a life” and move on beyond some sort of sore point.[;)]

Blackwolf has been here a while,and I’ve seen what you have posted.The man has garnerned a lot of respect, and he has run his quizzes longer than you have been posting. Typical ignorant Christian defense.

“Where wisdom is folly, ignorence is bliss”

William Shakespere


When someone seems to have new or different information that seems to challenge either the conventional wisdom or the local village expert, and is automatically rejected by “the local gang” because the local “King of the Hill” cannot comprehend it, his “wisdom”, or information is automatically seen as wrong or foolish.

I don’t know about you guys, but I got a family and I sleep at night, not just worry over some silly website stuff. I just figure anything that did not seem to go the way I understand it will either work itself out or I will be given the resources to resolve it,and I “put it on the shelf”, roll over, and fall asleep [:)]

I mean, I am not the one who is going to all the trouble to go and look something up in a book, which is subject to interpretation, and track a website member down just to say “I read thus-and-thus and I think you’re hypothesis is wrong”.

To carry on in a nonsensical “spitting contest” with someone who already has his opinion set is sheer stupidity and a total waste of my time.

Dumb question:

So when are you guys gonna get off your “huffy-high-horses” and post something applicable to the forum subjects?

Is it that someone can only have fun when he gets your permission?

You don’t see me over in the other forun trying to “poisen the well” over there do you?

Tom T [C):-)]


Also, to paraphrase Paul, I would rather be seen as an “ignorant Christian” then a “clever pagan”, or “savvy infidel” by the one who is the final judge such things [;)]

WOW, Tom. Talk about being insecure. Have you always been persecuted, or is being defensive a natural part of your character? I feel sorry for you, buddy. Hope you get better soon. Best of luck to you.

Excuse me, how does you post reflect the forum topic?

Did you want to be the next to post if bj doesn’t show up or are you just “another hound”?

If you want to go next, it is fine with me [;)]

Tom T [C):-)]

This is ridiculous. Someone report this troll for abuse.

And leave religion out of this forum Tom. It has no place in a modeling forum.


Tom, its time you cooled down and took a Chill Pill. We are here to have fun, not get upset when things don’t go our way. Just back off and let things cool down. No need to get offensive over every comment.

Far out…
I’ve never seen a bigger load of unadulterated tripe in my life.
I’m sitting here, sides splitting with laughter…y’all do yourself a favor…sit back, and OBJECTIVELY read the previous posts on this thread and see how utterly ridiculous you all sound - (except for those kind souls who are calling for a little calm).
You should be ashamed…my 12 year old daughter has better manners.

I have absolutely NO INTENTION of adding fuel to the fire here - nor am I taking sides…I just want you all to realise how silly you all sound. Let’s all play nice. If someone says something infantile and rude, or is just being a jerk, let’s all just ignore it.

Be the bigger man.

And I hope that you all have a very nice day…[:D]

Who’s next to post a question about aircraft? I’m interested in learning about planes that I haven’t heard of before. Anyone…?

Ok - here’s a new one. Who can name this bird. A hint - it was in production from 1934 to 1940 and was nimble enough to score several air-to-air victories over land-based fighters. Name the bird, and for bonus points name the airforce the victories were made against.

How about: Japanese, Nakajima, E8N2 Dave? The aerial victories were probably against China.

Darwin, O.F. [alien]

Exactly right on both counts. Next time I’ll look for a more obscure one. :slight_smile: Your turn.

Can you name this ugly “thing?” It is a glider, the front “jaws” open along a horizontal split with the lower one forming a loading ramp. It could carry 42 troops with a wing span of 91.8 feet and weighed 9,500 pounds, empty.

Darwin, O.F. [alien]

That ugly thing is the General Airbourne Transport Company XCG-16 glider. Though the flying qualities were considered good, it was rejected by the Army because the occupant protection and loading/unloading access was insufficient. Only one was built.

That thing’s really funky looking!

How about this one? Probably not too hard, but it has an interesting history, considering who made it, who used it, and who they used it against.