"Name it" winners

I’d like to thank everyone, who participated in what turned out to be a rather silly string (Hey!! - Silly String!). I feel obligated to pick a winner. I broke it down into two catagories - Humor, and Those which a manufacturer may actually use, or TWAMMAU. First I disregarded foreign names because companies just don’t use foreign names in naming atheir aircraft, at least I can’t think of any, and some of them were pretty good. Many of the names submitted have been used on previous aircraft and I was looking for something unique in addition to having fun. many were politically incorrect, I could care less but I,m sure the manufacturer would. (This does not apply to the Humor section). Many would probably violate copyright laws. so - that being said the judges (Me and my 4 year grandson) have picked the following winners.

TWAMMAU = Wolverine, submitted by Claymore68

HUMOR = George Foreman (It set the tone for the rest of the topic and I thought it was funny. The four year old on the other hand said "What’s a George Foreman?) Submitted by J_HULK

Now for the prize. How about 2 weeks in Camden, NJ or eating some of my wife’s cooking?

I don’t advise you to take either one.

Thank you, thank you!
Can you send the food to Osaka?

Thank you.

First thing I win in my life and the “sponsor” tells me not accept the prize![:0][:p]

Congrats, Claymore! “Wolverine” is a cool name. (Made of adamantium?)
I couldn’t think of a viable “serious” name to save my life.

And I know you’re not supposed to laugh at your own jokes, but I just could not stop howling (all by myself, in an empty apartment, no less! Scary!) when “George Foreman” popped into my head.
Glad ya’ll liked it!

I almost fell of my chair when I read it. My daughter asked me what was so funny but I couldn’t figure out how to explain it to a 3 year old.