Recently I’ve noticed a few really top-notch paint jobs done with Nail polish? Anybody done this?
Do you need to thin it, or just apply and let dry? Brush or airbrush? Any tips…please share!
Steve Nasburg
Recently I’ve noticed a few really top-notch paint jobs done with Nail polish? Anybody done this?
Do you need to thin it, or just apply and let dry? Brush or airbrush? Any tips…please share!
Steve Nasburg
I have heard of nail enamel being thinned and sprayed. Actually, I have airbrushed my wife’s nails before. If you use nail enamel, you should probably prime with Floquil Barrier to be safe. I thinned about 50/50 with acetone when I painted her nails. It has very loud fumes so use only in a well ventalated area.
Check this place out:
and look towards the bottom left of the page. There’s an article on painting with nail polish. Check out some of the other tips while you’re there, a lot of helpful info here.
Awesome site! Thanks for pointing that one out.
wow, that really is a great site. Lots of very helpful information and techniques.
I use Duplicolor primer, and thin the nail polish 50-50 with laquer thinner. Nail polish is usually tranclucent, so you will need to build up your color. Hope this helps. Any questions, shoot me a email.
Man that site is awesome. There are a lot of tips for just about everything there, including some really good insight on paint booth design. Thanks for the tip.[:D]