I tried to post some photos of my work but no go, so, I have posted the url of my web page to view some of my work.[urlhttp://community.webshots.com/user/gtadw][/url] Ihope this works[?][:p]
Cool stuff, I especially like the guntrucks.
Dave … your models are always a pleasure to see. How goes the progress on that tanker trailer ? Thanks for sharing your pics with us here.
There are a couple of hosting sites that don’t seem to want to cooperate here. Not 100% sure why.
Keep up the great work.
Thanks Tony.
Robert, I have finished the tanker. and it’s ready for shipping.
Do you need my address then, so you know where to send it. [;)]
Gotta love “The Motorpool” picture!
Nice work [:D]
[}:)]Sure I’ll send it to you, as soon As I get the $345.00 in my hot little hands.[:D] They don’t call me the animal for nothing. [:p]
LOL … you’re letting me off too cheap Dave … I used to flog M4A3 Shermans virtually OOB for $275.00 10 years ago. Where are those customers now … hmmmm.
Nice stuff, Animal.
Nice animal! I like those.
Very impressed! Thanks for sharing Animal.
That tanker is a wet dream come true!
Great work!
Keep it up
Thanks for the kudos. See what happens when you have too much time on your hands.(Retired)
Great stuff you got going there, animal. You sure love your trucks.
You sure have alot of models around your workbench Animal. Looks like you havea good set up there.
Thanks allan and Colin. I have the saecond bedroom converted to a ssmall studio. I spend mosst of my day in there. I’m either casting resin parts, building a scratch built project or on the computer talking to all you guys. Most of the models are now in a museum. I donate most of them so that I will have room to build more. I just casted some more soft gear and radios for a friend. I trade alot of stuff for stuff I need. Mostly M-60 and M-2 50 cal guns. I can’t get enough of them to build all the Gun Trucks. I have been thinking about making the gun box for different gun trucks in a kit form for other people to use in building their own gun trucks.